Chapter Four

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"Jess, what the fuck?! You didn't tell me that the human was coming over to study, so what the hell? Plus he had the distinct smell of elf on him underneath his cologne," I exclaim pacing back and forth.

"If I would've told you, you would've left me to deal with him on my own and I don't know what a human like that has... Besides why did you throw that note at him for, he didn't do anything to you!" She exclaims back, throwing up her arms, her eyes wild and feral.

"I threw the note cause I recognized his stench, remember that little human child we came across ten years ago and change? That was- that IS him. He's that child grown up," I hiss at her, words flowing out like a floodgate.

"Really? Really, Ky? Are you that jealous that you want to make assumptions about who I hang out and study with?" She hisses back bucking up to me standing tall at her full height of six five.

"I am not jealous! You can hang out with whoever you want to! Thank Bymrasil that I'm not as chaotic as you are... You must be cracked out of your mind if you think I'm jealous of your love life!" I growl, standing at my full height of six three. We're glaring at each other when Xenovia walks in.

"Girls, can you quiet down because Kai and I are trying to go to sleep for the ceremony tomorrow?" She asks us, and we both look at her and nod. "Good, now I expect you two to be in bed by one. Understand, girls?" We nod once again and she leaves, shutting the door behind her.

"At least I have a love life unlike you," Jess spits the words like a very potent venom that would destroy everything it came into contact with. I roll my eyes and lay down in her bed, pulling out my phone and opening YouTube to resume watching the compilation I started a few hours before Traeger arrived.

In the morning we both sleuth downstairs for breakfast. The table is already set with sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, and toast sitting there ready to be eaten.

"Mornin' daddy, mornin' mommy, thank you for breakfast," I hear Jess tell her parents.

Sitting down I smile while running my fingers through my hair straightening it out even though it's already straight. "Morning Kai, morning Xenovia," I say, greeting the two older werewolves. "Breakfast smells amazing, thank you," Xenovia just smiles while Kai grunts, his mouth always in a scowling position.

After breakfast I separate from Jessika's house and move on to my own. "Here girl, I'm home, c'mere Princess," I say whistling then smile as I hear tags jingle and claws tapping on the hardwood floor. Around the corner comes Princess, this bigger than average beagle who is all black with a white stripe running from the top of her sternum to the bottom of her belly. She jumps up on her hind legs and excitedly starts to lick my hands and whimper.

"Who's a good girl?! Huh, who's a good little girl?!" I say in a baby voice and she barks twice, hops down and runs off into the living room. Walking into the living room I see her with a man who is petting her softly.

"Aydin what are you doing here?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Who's a good girl? You are, oh yes you are, Princess," he continues to scratch her back with medium strength ignoring me.

I whistle and make kissing sounds then Princess comes trotting over to me and I point to her playpen which she goes to without a single questioning look. "Do I need to reiterate myself?" I say glaring at him when he finally looks at me there's an uncharacteristic look of sadness in his eyes.

"No you don't, I heard you the first time. I'm here because I have something to give you from the elders themselves," Aydin plainly states and I gasp slightly when he pulls out a folded piece of paper.

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