Chapter Five

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Two Days until the Ceremony


Me: Hey...

Kyna: I was wondering if you would go on a date w/ me

Me: Uh... I'm not sure that'd be a good idea

Kyna: Go on a date with me or I'll go to your colleges headmaster and tell her that you brought a bomb on campus and are planning to blow it up

Me: ...

Kyna: Which will it be, Traeger?
You have three seconds

Me: ok! Ok, I'll go out on a date with you. Just tell me when and where

After she tells me the address and the time, I tell her that I'll be there a couple minutes before the meeting time. I get on my PS4 and start playing some Cold War Zombies, halfway through round 15 I get a text from Jess.

Jess: Hey wassup

Me: Did you give Kyna my number??

Jess: Yeah lol why

Me: Bc I didn't want her knowing my number

Jess: Oops 😬 mb

Me: It's w.e. now

Jess: So what'd she ask you??

Me: What're we? Friends now? Telling each other each others private life like a couple of gossiping girls

Jess: Damn, well sry for tryna find out information. I'll nvr try again fuck

Me: Sry I just had her ask me out on a date... very forcefully I might add too

Jess: She asked you out on an actual date

Me: Yes why what's so hard to believe about that

Jess: Bc she nvr asks anyone on a date or asks for anything from anybody

Me: oh


I squeal in excitement at Kyna's date on Wednesday at the ceremony.

"Jessika, someone's at the door for you," Mom yells for me and I head downstairs and to the door only to find Jakob Drikovich standing there, I nearly faint.

"Jessika, I have come to ask you to the ceremony with me, if your parents are ok with it, that is," Jakob tells me, then looks at mom and flashes a sexy grin that melts me into putty.

"Let me go get Kai so he can have a say in this," she says and walks out into the living room.

"So..." I squeak, then clear my throat and try again, "so Mr. Drikovich, what makes you come to me of all the women in the pack?"

"I just thought you had no one to go with and thought that I might take you," he says his Russian accent so thick it could cut through granite, his piercing light gray eyes stare into mine making me want to jump on him and ravish him.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the playboy himself," dad says entering the foyer staring down Jakob.

"Mr. Saunders, I expected you to be happy to see me, I guess I was wrong," Jakob responds unperturbed by the hard as steel stare that dad is giving him. Looking dad in the eye causes Jakob to smirk making my knees wobbly, the tension is so thick I could cut through it with a dull knife.

"Kai, Jakob is here about our daughter and taking her to the ceremony Wednesday, he wanted our opinion," mom tells dad who just grimaces and shoots me a glance.

"If I may ma'am?" Jakob asks stepping forward but is stopped by dad growling a predators growl. Dad is looking at Jakob as prey and someone trespassing on his territory. "I guess not," Jakob mumbles and steps back to his original place.

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