Chapter Fourteen

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'C'mon, I need you to answer Trae,' I call him again while I look out the window of my car watching the woods rush by me then focus back on the road. After several rings, it goes to his voicemail again.

"If I missed your call I'm probably busy or sleeping, leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks bye," his voicemail says cheerfully then beeps indicating for me to leave my message.

"Traeger, it's me, listen I need your help with something I can't say over the phone just trust me on this, call me back when you get this," I say into the receiver leaving my message and then hang up. I slam an open palm on my steering wheel screaming the word fuck over and over and over again until my throat is raw and I'm out of breath.

I pull off onto the side of the road and start to sob and cry with everything crashing down all around me. Hot tears cascade down my cheeks and blur my vision, then my phone rings. I wipe my tears away then check the caller ID, and sigh in relief when it says 'The Asshole'. I quickly reorient myself and pick up.

"Hello?" I say as best I can without making myself sound too relieved.

"What do you want Kyna? Why do you keep calling me? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me, but now all of a sudden you do! What fuckin' sense does that make!?" He snaps at me making my sadness slowly turn to anger.

"I'm sorry that I need someone to talk to. I'm sorry that my village has been attacked and that Jessika has come up missing. I'm sorry that I need to hear your voice..." I yell into the phone then break down crying and sobbing making him go silent for a while.

Then when he finally speaks after what seems like forever he asks, "Where are you?" Catching me off guard.

"Why do you care?!" I snap at him angry that he cares for me, angry that ever since that night I've been longing for another night with him, longing for a taste, longing for him inside of me, longing for us to breed...

"You want me to find you the easy way or the hard way?" He asks making me grin slightly.

"I'm about six kilometers from North Ridge Canadian National Park on a desolate road headed there. I'll just send you my location so you can come to me or whatever..." I tell him and open our texts and location share with him.

"OK, I'm on my way," he says and hangs up. About forty-five minutes later he pulls up next to my car in his sixty-seven Impala making my ninety-six Nissan Maxima look like a piece of trash compared to how clean and pristine the chassis of his car is. He gets out and walks over to my passenger-side door and knocks on the window. I unlock the doors and he gets in, and the smell of his cologne or something drives me wild and gets my nether region wetter than Niagra Falls, but I can't think like that right now.

"Talk to me?" he asks in a concerned tone grabbing my attention to look at him which was a mistake. He had his black hair slicked back with some hair product, freshly shaven showing his strong facial features, he's wearing a black leather biker jacket with a flaming skull on the left sleeve along with an American flag with a dark blue shirt underneath and was wearing skinny jeans that fit him perfectly.

I take a deep breath in and my mind goes blank as the scent of his body odor, cologne, and freshly brushed teeth catch up to me and almost makes me drool. I tear my eyes away from him and look out the window to gather my bearings again.

"Last night mine and Jessika's village was attacked by a bomber and multiple people got sick because of an unknown agent, and the elders want us to head to the Red Wolf pack territory in the middle of the national forest which is deep in the forest and almost impossible to get to," I let it all out looking out into the forest next to our cars.

"I'm sorry that it's going to shit for you, but you can't focus on the negatives of this you have to find the silver lining in all bad situations," He replies giving me some positivity bullshit.

"C’mon Trae don't give me that every situational has a silver lining bullshit! I already know that shit! Tell me something actually helpful for once instead of spouting out bullsh-" I swivel my head and look at him angrily and halfway through my rant he leans in and plants his lips on mine making my panties soaked by my juices. My eyes go wide and I put my hands on his shoulders and shove him away and shout, "What the actual fuck Traeger!?" Not wanting him to know that I found that what he did was hot as fuck and I want more.

"I... I-I-I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry!" He tells me and turns to leave, but I turn on the child lock locking us inside. "What're you doing Kyna?" He asks looking at me.

I throw a fist into his face, punching him. He opens his mouth shocked that I hit him, then I grab the sides of his head and plant a hard kiss on his lips making my whole body burn intensely with energy and heat. I let go and look him in the eyes and say barely above a whisper, "Get out..." He looks at me as if confused by my actions.

"I said get out!" I unlock the doors then open his door and shove him out on the side of the road and drive off.

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