Duel Between the Bro - Sun VS Neptune

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, Konami had some new faces on his second day in Remnant, both good and bad. With two of them being the resident fashionista and a shy bunny girl who had a Duel with each other. Who knew a rabbit and dragon would prevail against a bunch of craftswomen with magical ability.

So....to those who had constantly message me to ask when the new chapter is coming and asking for my wellbeing. Well I would just like to say that I am happy that you all are still reading this, and you don't have to worry about my wellbeing as well.

Also sorry that I didn't reply to any of your message, but I promise, I had my reason.

Now most of you must be asking why I didn't respond to your message. Did I decided to drop this story? Did I suddenly get sick? Did I just disappear from the face of the earth?!

Thankfully It's none of that, no the actual reason is a lot more....funny, if you all wanted to look at it that way.

So as you all know I am a college student who is trying to be a doctor in the future, this is a big hurdle for my writing time but not just something I could just sweep up under the table. You need to study really hard if you wanted to make it and there is a lot of material to cover, not to mention just a few months ago I had an exam to test my knowledge and ability so studying is priority number one for me.

Now to focus on my studying I decided to just cut off all of my notification on my phone that would distract me from my studying, as for the result? I don't want to talk about it....

Don't get me wrong It's good, but it could be better. That's some good life lesson their folks: you can always do better.

So Wattpad is one of the apps I decided to turn off the notification to. After the exam was done, I was actually confused why I didn't get any notification from my Wattpad but just chalk it up to just everyone being silent or something like that.

You probably had already figure this out by now what happened. I turn off my Wattpad notification, completely forgot I did that in the first place and didn't turn it back on until literal MONTHS AFTER I FINISH MY EXAM.

I know, I know that sound ridiculous but what you need to understand about me is that my memory can be a bit....'wonky' at times. Like 'completely forgetting what video I wanted to watch on YouTube and then remember it the very NEXT DAY OR TWO' kind of wonky.

But enough about my dysfunctional memory capacity and capibility. You all wanted to see some Dueling and you all are gonna get it in this chapter, as well as some few other things as well.

Sun and Neptune will be having their Duel in this chapter and to those who had already figure out what deck they are playing, well It's either because you've read the various amount of comment in this story or you just have a hunch that happened to be correct.

Now that all that needed to be said is all done, let's get on to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster teeth and Konami respectively.


Metaltron and Tierra stared at Konami for a while when he told them about his theory of Remnants being part of the Spirit World. Both Duel Spirit eyes were widened as they could never have imagined such a thing could be possible, but from the explanation he gave them it seems to be the truth.

Tierra pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes, looking like she was having a headache with the sudden bombshell that was thrown at her. "Alright, my brain hasn't processed all of this shit yet, but are you telling me that this dimension we are standing in right now is actually part of the Spirit World...?" She said as she couldn't tell what she should feel about this whole thing.

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