It's all making sense now.

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The pain was unbearable as my contractions hit in waves every few minutes. This was meant to be the best day of my life, giving the man of my dreams his first child. Yet, here I am on the floor of my house glass and wood everywhere and a large sweaty bearded barbarian standing 20 feet away ready to kill me. I think I win the award for the worst labor ever.

Behind the 12th century brute stepped in a guy who looked to be about 5ft 6 and in his late 30's. He was definitely British and seemed very posh. He wore a black suit with a purple cloth sticking out his jacket pocket. He stood straight with his head held high with a cane in his hand. Not a waking cane for the elderly but one of those I'm so rich look how much money I have kind of canes. He looked at me with disgust and what seemed to be fear. Why was he afraid of me, I'm on the floor in pain with only a shirt and panties on. He then glared at Gilgamesh.

"So the rumours between the masters is true. You have mated with your master and created a life we mages have feared for hundreds of years." Beserker's master growled.

"What are you talking about." I asked between gritted teeth as another contraction hit.

"Since the holy grail war began the wars have gotten bloodier and more violent. Some mages believed that it was too dangerous to continue. So 1000 years ago they put a spell on the grail. If a servant were to produce a child with their master the grail would become part of that new life through the magic the holy grail provides ending the grail war forever. We weren't worried about it until that stupid Caster brought you back to life."

"I have heard enough of the drool spilling from your mouth. You dare come here with your disgusting servant and threaten Y/N and my unborn child!" Gilgamesh roared. Gold portals appeared around him. Some appeared around me too to protect me. " I will wipe your sorry hides from this earth!"

Gilgamesh fired his weapons at the master but berserker hit the oncoming attacks away with his club. One of the swords that was deflected almost hit me in the head. I needed to get out of here, as much as being impaled in the head sounds like lots of fun it may make giving birth harder. I started moving away when Enkidu my tiger came into the room. He put his head under my arm to help me get up. I let Enkidu guide me towards the front door but when Berserker's master sneaked around the fight to get to me Enkidu blocked him with an intimidating growl. I carried on out of the house and as I did I heard a lance rip through to the upper floor into the bedroom. 'Looks like leaving the house was the best idea.' I thought to myself. I guided myself towards the front gate using the fence as support. After reaching my destination I noticed two figures standing in front of me. One of them was a lady around my age and the other was a man I only heard of in history books and from the holiday I celebrated as a kid with my parents, Guy Fawkes.

"Grab her and let's go." The lady said hastily. Guy Fawkes suddenly placed a cloth over my mouth and the smell of what I can assume was chloroform made me woozy and everything went black.

Gilgamesh's pov:

I was so angry at these mongrels for breaking in here and threatening the woman I love that I didn't notice Y/N hadn't made a noise in a while or that berserker's master has slipped away. Suddenly, I heard a roar from Enkidu and I turned to see the master behind me being forced to back up by Y/N's Tiger. I then notice Y/N is gone. There isn't any blood so maybe she moved away from the battle. I fire another weapon at the insignificant man and yet again Berserker blocked and they both decided to retreat.

I looked around the house for Y/N hoping she was ok. I then discovered the open front door and ran out. I didn't see her anywhere but something on the fence caught my eye, it was a piece of paper pinned on the front gate. I pulled it off and read it. We'll be waiting for you with Y/N at the below address. The address below is a warehouse across town I passed a few times when I followed Y/N to work. I wasted no time in getting moving. 'If what that mongrel said is true then she may already be dead.' I thought. That very thought made my heart do something I haven't felt since I lost my dear friend. It ached with the weight of fear and grief.

Gilgamesh The Golden King.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin