A death and a new life.

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I get dressed which takes a while as I keep puking. I grab my purse and bag before heading to the front door. "Where are you going?" Gilgamesh asked as he stood in my way. "I need to go to the shop. I need to get something to figure out why I'm puking." I reply. "Mabey it's because of what happened to your cat." Gil replied. I stopped as I grabbed the door knob. "What, what happened to shade?" I asked. I look around and it dawns on me that I haven't seen her since I have been back. "I thought you knew?" He asked not liking what he is about to tell me. "What, god sake Gilgamesh tell me what's wrong with Shade!" I shouted tears welling in my eyes. "During the fight with Caster.... She was killed while trying to protect you from the monster that grabbed you. She's buried out back." He said with an apologetic tone. "No-No it's not true, she can-can't be dead." I cried as I crumpled to the ground crying. Gilgamesh held me tight as I cried. "Shade was e-everything to me. She kept me warm at night and made me feel loved when no-one else did. Now she's' gone." I balled. "You should be proud that she died trying to protect her owner, you meant a lot to her too." He assured me but the pain is still too much to bare at this point so I just cry into Gil's chest.

The next day...

I am still grieving from my loss but I need to find out why I puked again this morning. Gilgamesh came with me to the store. While he was looking at mens clothing I went into the pharmacy section and grabbed a clear blue pregnancy test. I then went and paid for it. After I did I hid it in my bag and when I got back to the mens department I can see Gilgamesh head into a changing room. I sit and wait outside the changing room fidgeting with my bag. What if I am pregnant? How will Gilgamesh react and what will we do about the headless horseman? I know Gil still wants him dead. My train of thought is interrupted when I see Gil step out of the dressing room wearing a black jacket which ends just above the waist with pockets and one white stripe on each side, a white flannel shirt, black trousers and black shoes. I bite my lip as he walks over and he can tell that I like it. "So you like it then?" He asks with a smirk as he already knows the answer. "If we weren't in a store I would have attacked you by now." I replied. We paid for the clothes and we headed home. When we got back Gilgamesh left to go get me a present so I decide that it's the best time to take the pregnancy test. After taking the test I leave the bathroom and close the door. I pace back and forth over and over. Three minutes seemed to be a lifetime but when they are up I walk into the bathroom and look at the test. My heart races as I see the plus sign as clear as day staring me in the face.

A few hours later...

I am sat in the living room waiting for Gilgamesh to return. "Where is he?" I groan unable to take the wait. I then hear him walk through the front door and I get up and go to where he is but I stop when I see what he has in his hands. "I know you like cats so I hope this tiger cub will help the pain from losing Shade." He smiled. He put the Tiger cub on the floor and it trotted over to me and I smiled as I picked it up. He purred as he rubbed his face against mine. "He's so cute but he's a wild animal, won't he get aggressive?" I ask a little unsure about having a tiger as a pet. "You have forgotten that I used to have a lion back when I ruled over Uruk." I nodded and then I gave him my serious look. "Gilgamesh, I have something to tell you. The reason I have been puking for the past two mornings is because I'm... pregnant." I waited for him to freak out or go pale but for a few seconds he said and did nothing. Then, all of a sudden he smiled and hugged me. "I'm guessing by the tone of your voice you thought I would be angry?" He chuckled. "You're saying you're not angry?" I asked puzzled. Most guys I know would start yelling. "I want nothing more than for you to bare my children and give a son." I smile and feel relieved. My Tiger rubbed against my leg and I picked him up and snuggled him. "You know that the other masters and servants are still going to come after me. I am still able to obtain a servant if one loses his or her master." He sighed and smiled proudly. "I will kill anyone who threatens my queen and unborn child." I blush when he called me his queen which I guess I am.

Gilgamesh's pov:

"We still need a name for your new pet." I note looking at the feline. "I think we should call him Enkidu." _______ suggests. "I know he was your best friend and I would like to call my Tiger by his name to honor him." I smile at her suggestion. "Enkidu it is then." I stroke the tiger on the head and we both head up to bed. ______ lay next to me lying on her back with Enkidu lying to her left. I lift up her shirt and kiss her belly as if sending a kiss to my unborn child. I kiss my queen and I pull her to me and fall asleep. I dream of my life with ______ ,my six children and our mighty Enkidu protecting them.

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