Ryuunosuke's new toy.

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I slowly came to feeling sore all over. I opened my eyes a little but I could only make out a blur so I squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds and opened them again and my vision cleared. My eyes widen with fear as I realize that my hands are chained above my head and I am dangling in the air with my feet barely touching the ground. My shirt is torn at the front so my bra and stomach are visible. I look around the room and I can see that I am in a warehouse of some kind that hasn't been used in quite a while. I look up to see what the chain I'm hanging from is chained to. I see it has been wrapped around a large thick metal beam a few meters above my head and know there is no way I can break that so I try to pull my hands out of the chains which doesn't work. "Hey you're awake, cool we can get started." I turn my head to see Caster's master walking in the room. "Get the fuck away from me!" I spat. "Now, now that is no way for a lady to talk." He grinned as he took out a scalpel. I tensed up remembering how painful the last him he was cutting me was. "Now where to start?" He thought out loud to himself as he patted the handle of the knife against his bottom lip. "Aha I know where." He decided as he brought the knife to my belly and dug it in moving the blade upward. The pain is unbearable and I can't help but to scream. He finishes the cut just below my left breast. I feel the blood trickle out my cut and down my legs. I try to hold back the tears that threaten to fall down my cheeks. He then cuts the blade down my right arm and down to my wrist. The stinging searing pain of the knife is too much to handle but I must stay alive, I refuse to die at the hands of this basterd.

After what feels like forever he finally puts the blood covered knife down and looks at his handy work. I feel weak from the loss of blood but I don't care and start to struggle free again. "Wow you really are a lively one aren't you?" He says impressed. "Not many people can survive what I've done to you." I glare at him and sneer. "I-I'm going to kill you." I growl. "Well that would be a neat trick since you're chained up." He laughs. I spit on his face which stops his laugh and he back hands me round the face. "Do that again and I'll carve your heart out." He warned. I glare at him un-nerved by his threat. At that moment Caster walks into the room. "Ah I see you have been busy with your new toy." He smiles seeing my blood covered body. "Yeh and she's a tough one too, she should have bled out by now and yet she still breathes." caster's master replied. "Well it seems she will be fun for you for a while if she is able to withstand this much torment and pain." Caster smiled. "Well big guy with that said I think I will leave her for now and start again when we return tomorrow." The ginger guy said before leaving the room with his servant. I felt my body go limp as I cry, I wish Gil was here. I then hear movement from behind me. I turn my head to see Mulan walk out of the shadows. "I guess you must be the saber class servant." I noted weakly. "Yes and you have the archer servant Gilgamesh." She replied. "He's not my servant any more I no longer have the command seals." I explain to her. She looks at me confused then takes a look at my hands. "How can this be?" She asks. "Caster brought Gilgamesh back to life so he is not a heroic spirit and I now have no servant in this war." She looks even more confused. "If you are no longer a threat then why does my master want you dead?" Mulan asked. "How should I know? I don't even know who your master is." I then heard a door shut and my Aunt walks into the room. "Aunt Caroline Y-your Mulan's master?" I asked shocked. "Yes I am and I summoned her after your servant killed Nick now I will kill you and your pretty boy servant." I laughed weakly and Caroline sneered angrily at me. "You can't kill him you sad excuse for family. Besides Nick had it coming, he tried to rape me." I glared.

While I'm stalling I heal myself enough to stop the bleeding. "I was the one who let him and besides once I kill you and your new lover I will win the war and wish for the grail to bring him back." Caroline smirked. "I don't know anything about this so called holy grail but I do know that we have some unwelcomed guests in my play house." We all turned to the voice and saw that caster and his master have returned. Mulan stood in front of Caroline to protect her. I started to pull my hands through the chains while everyone is distracted. "Leave now or I will kill you, the girl is my master's to kill." Mulan warned. "That girl belongs to me and I am afraid you are ones who are going to die." Caster's master smirked. Suddenly, some more tentacle monsters appeared. Mulan started cutting right and left. She kicked some of them way from her master. I managed to get free from the chains and fall to the floor. I picked myself from the floor and started making my way to the exit when Caster's master grabbed me from behind. "Where do you think you're going? I haven't finished playing with you yet." He then grabbed my chin and made me look at the battle. The tentacles were closing in on Mulan and they grabbed her and started tearing her apart. I heard her screams of pain and her body disintegrated. The creatures then moved towards Caroline and I heard her scream and saw a pool of blood on the ground around the creatures. The things moved out of the way leaving a mangled body of my aunt on the floor.

"That was awesome big guy, it was so cool." Tears ran down my cheeks as I looked at the body of the only family I had left. "Here do it to her!" Caster's master ordered. I am then thrown to the ground. I hit the ground hard and my head took most of the impact. I lay there stunned and I look up and suddenly a blade goes through Caster's master and another goes through Caster's head. Swords go flying everywhere and into everything that moves. This goes on for a minute or two but then everything goes quiet. I then see Gilgamesh kneel beside me and he holds me to him in an embrace. He picks me up bridal style carrying me out of the building and I pass out in his arms.

Sorry for the wait with this chapter, work has been a pain and I am so tired. But, here it is so I hope you enjoy.

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