The Holy Grail war.

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I finally get home and into my room around ten PM. The whole way back Gilgamesh has been talking in my head, telling me about the grail war. I dump my bag on the floor and sit on my bed completely dumfounded at what I have heard. Suddenly, Gilgamesh appears but this time he is not in his armour, instead he is wearing grey trousers and a white V-neck top. He has a gold necklace round his neck and a gold bracelet around each wrist. His hair is also down and I finally notice his ruby red eyes. "So you're saying that the Holy Grail chose me to fight in this war?" I looked him in the eyes as he sat there on my chair with his legs crossed. "Yes and you summoned me which means you must be very powerful to have summoned such a mighty spirit." I rolled my eyes; he loves to brag about himself. I sigh and then my cat Shade walks into the room purring. "Hiya Shade, where have you been?" I ask as I pick him up and put him on my lap. "So Gilgamesh, you mentioned earlier that all heroic spirits have a noble phantasm. What is yours?"

"I can summon my treasured weapons from the gates of Babylon and shoot them at my foes. I can also summon other things too." Gilgamesh smiled. "Like what?" I asked. He then held out his hand and a golden pool of light opened up above his hand where a flask and two wine glasses made of gold appeared into his hand and the gold light disappeared. He poured what seemed to be wine into the wine glasses and handed one to me.

"Drink with me." He commanded. I looked at the wine. "God I hope this isn't ruffied." I joke but Gilgamesh gives me a weird look which I can't help but chuckle at. "Never mind." I giggle. I then take a sip. "How do you like my wine?" he questions. I remove the gold wine glass from my lips and smile. "To be honest it's quite nice but I can't say it's the best I've had since this is my first time drinking wine."

"Well for your first time drinking you have tasted the very best." Gilgamesh responded. I put my wine onto the table next to my bed. "I have to get to bed now, I have work tomorrow and I can't stay up too late." I inform him. "I don't know where I can put you for the night to sleep." I admit. "No need, we spirits have no need for sleep, I will have a wonder around this town for a little while whilst you sleep." After saying this Gilgamesh disappears along with the wine. I sigh and decide to get changed into my panties and a thin strapped vest top. Tonight has been very strange indeed, first the book and now Gilgamesh. I hope this is all a dream I think as I get into bed.

Gilgamesh's pov:

I told the woman that I would wonder for a while but instead I watch her in spirit form. This girl fascinates me. She managed to summon me with such ease but apart from her beauty she seems like any other mongrel in this world. I look down to see the woman's cat sitting in front of me purring. I ignore it and continue to watch my new master sleep. I then walk over to her and look at her more closely. She has such beauty and would probably be a good source of entertainment. Mabey she will even be worthy enough to marry one day.

Reader's pov:

I wake up in the morning to my alarm at eight-thirty am. Shade is on my bed curled up against my stomach. I turn my head with my eyes closed reluctant to get up. My eyes open a little and I spot Gilgamesh watching me from my chair in the corner. "What the hell!" I yell at him whilst trying to cover myself up. Shade pretty much craps himself and runs out of the room. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked playing dumb. "What do you think, I'm partially naked in this bed and oh yes you were watching me sleep!" I yelled sarcastically. "As I recall I am your protector and servant in this war so I see it as my duty to watch over you. And I am your king so you better be careful how you speak to me." He warned. "Sorry but I don't care how I speak to perverts." I retorted. He stood and stared at me with a frightening glare which would scare most people but I'm used to being looked at that way. I returned the glare unafraid of the consciences. He then smiled mischievously. "You are lucky that I find you fascinating otherwise you would be dead."

"Well aren't I the lucky one." I said looking away. Sometimes I miss my family so much I wish I were dead. "You don't seem to care about my threats of killing you, why is that?" Gilgamesh asked intrigued. "Because I don't fear death, now can you please leave so I can get dressed?" He looked at me with a smile then he vanished.

I left the house at about nine-thirty AM and I could feel Gilgamesh's presence following me. Are you really going to follow me to work? I asked him in my head. I do not see much point in staying at that excuse of a home. He stated. I have to agree, that house is a pile of crap. There are cracks everywhere, paint is peeling off and the heating is crap so it gets so cold at night. Well fine, but don't complain when you are bored because there is nothing I can do about it. I informed him. He didn't say anything else but I know he is still with me. Throughout the day he has been coming and going from the store in spirit form and he has been scaring some of the customers by making them think ghosts are talking to them. He also judges everyone who walks through the door, I know this because he is usually talking in my head to me when he does it.

I finally get home at four PM and head to my room and as I close my bedroom door he appears. I glare furiously at him. "What's the matter with you?" He teased. "What the fuck do you think?!" I start to rant. "You can't go around scaring customers like that, I need to make a living here and I can't when you're making people believe the place is haunted." He walked closer to me but I stand my ground. "I must say, you're quite cute when you're angry." Gilgamesh smirks. My face softens and I can't help the blush that becomes so obvious on my face. He runs a finger up my arm and my breath hitches and I move back.

Gilgamesh's pov:

I smile as she blushes and I run a finger up her arm causing her to move away. "Besides what else am I supposed to do, your work is tedious and boring like your home, well at least when you're not here." I smirk seeing her blush again. "W-well I guess you could mess with Alex my supervisor. She's lazy, annoying and I'm pretty sure she's stealing from the register." _____ says ignoring my compliment. "You mean the ugly Black haired whench?" I asked. That's when _____ started laughing. "Yes her." She giggles. I like her laugh it's like music to me. Her cat comes into the room again and rubs itself against my leg. I bend down and pick up the small feline. It purrs and meows happily. I start to stroke the cat and ______ smiles. "I take it you like cats." She observes. "Yes I had a lion as a friend when I was alive." I reminisce. I finally put the cat down. "I'm going to have a shower so wait here and I'll be back." She informed me before grabbing a towel from one of her draws. I smile mischievously and ______ notices. "Don't even think about it. King or not I will kick your ass." She warns. _____ then leaves for the bathroom.

I stand outside of the bathroom and wait until I can hear her clothes fall to the ground and for the water to hit her body. Once I do I quietly enter the room in spirit form so she can't see me. I am taken by surprise when I see the goddess like body of my master. I watch as she stands under the water letting the water cover her, soaking her hair. She grabs the soap and runs it over her beautiful skin cleaning off the dirt and sweat from the hard day of work. The soap washes over her curves and over her perfect breasts. I bit my lip when I got a good view of her ass. As I watch this I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. I look down to notice my penis is fully erect and begging to be in her. I climb into the shower and stand behind her. I resist the urge to grab and fuck her but I know she will use her command seal to stop me then she will never let me near her again even if she knows what I've seen. I manage to leave the room to avoid the temptation considering how hard it was.

Reader's pov:

I leave the shower and dry myself off before wrapping the towel round me. I leave the bathroom and enter my room to find Gilgamesh gone. Mabey he got bored? I assumed. I got dressed in a white short sleeved top, black leather jacket, dark blue skinny jeans and black converse trainers. I then turned to see Gilgamesh standing behind me. "Jesus!" I said as my heart leapt. "Don't do that, how long have you been standing there anyway?"

"Just a few seconds." He replied with a smile. "Where are you going?" He asked. I grabbed my bag and put the strap over my shoulder. "I thought we could go out for a while, it's better than sitting here for hours." I replied. "Fine, but it better not be anything boring or tedious." He didn't seem to thrilled about this idea. "Common stroppy, lets go to the fair." I smiled. Hopefully I can get him to loosen up a bit.

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