What has Caster done to Gilgamesh!?

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A/N: The kitty above is what her cat Shade looks like. Isn't it cute, I thought that because I didn't specify what type of cat she was I would make her a tabby because they are one of my favourite cats. I also used to have one when I was a wee child. X3 

Reader's pov:

After my make-out session with Gilgamesh we enjoyed the rest of the party before we decided to head home. I became really tired on the drive back so Gilgamesh carried me home and put me on my bed.

The next day....

I am working with the women's clothing when my supervisor came up behind me. "So I hear that you're not going out with Gil, do you mind if I have him?" She asked. I almost chocked on my own saliva from the hilariousness of what she just asked. "Ehh I think he's seeing someone." I lied. I don't want to tell her that he hates her. I don't want work to get awkward. "Dammit, well can you go and fix the hanging rack in the changing room please?" She asks before walking off. I sigh before I leave what I'm doing and go to the changing room. I get in there and start working on the rail when I hear the door close and lock. I turn to see Gilgamesh behind me giving me a seductive grin. Before I can say anything he grabs me and pushes me against the wall. He kisses me passionately and runs his hands down my body. He then grabs my ass and lifts me up so my legs go round his waist. He then moves his lips to my sweet spot on my neck. "Ahh, Gilgamesh don't not here." I moan slightly which turns him on even more. "I want you and a king gets what he wants." He smiled at me before attacking my neck again. "Ahh please....someone's going.....to see." I say between moans as he starts massaging my breasts. Suddenly, someone knocks at the door. "_____ Are you ok?" My manager asks behind the door. Gilgamesh set me down and disappears annoyed. "Y-Yeh I'm just fixing the rail." I reply. "Well why is the door locked?" He asked. "To stop customers coming in while I'm working, I don't want an accident." I lie quickly. Since Gil turned up I've been lying a lot. "Ok but hurry, we close soon." He replied before leaving. I sighed with relief, now I am wet downstairs all thanks to Gilgamesh. I blush thinking about him and I smile.

I leave work ten minutes later and Gilgamesh appears. "You're a jerk." I moan at him. "You know you liked it." He teased. I blushed again but thankfully it's too dark for him to see. We cut through the woods to head to my place. "What were you thinking doing that when I'm at work?" I asked slightly annoyed. "I was bored." He replied. "Well maybe we can provide some entertainment?" A voice said from the darkness. We stop in our tracks and listen. "Who's there?" I asked. "You will see soon enough." The voice replied. Gilgamesh's armour appeared and he stood in front of me. "I sense another servant." I informed Gilgamesh. At that moment a tall guy wearing robs came out of the darkness. He wore some weird stripped thing round his neck and carried a book in his hand. He has a long nose, pointed chin, bulgy eyes and medium length hair but I am unable to see the colour of it in the dark. I am quite creeped out by his appearance. Another man stood by his side. This man is shorter with ginger hair, he wore a purple flannel on top a white top and dark trousers, he also has a command seal on his hand. "I like the woman." The other master grinned as he eyed me up. "Dream on asshole." I retorted. "I don't need to dream because once my friend kills your servant you're fair game." He smirks. "You can't possibly think you can defeat me, you lonely mongrels clearly don't know who I am, in my magnificent glory you can't identify me, you're ignorance will be you're demise!" Gilgamesh threatened. He opened the gates of Babylon. Weapons started to appear from the golden spheres. "I don't think so." The weird guy said before opening his book. He started to read from the book and that is when Gilgamesh started acting strange. His armour disappeared along with his weapons. At first I thought his manna is being drained. After the spell is cast Gilgamesh is lying there naked. I ran to him and put my coat on him. "What did you do?" I asked angrily. "You're servant is now no longer a spirit, he has been made flesh." My eyes widened in shock. Now he can't disappear and hide from sight, he's a sitting target.

Gilgamesh tried to stand and I helped him as I put one arm over my shoulder. The caster class servant is getting ready to attack when the headless horseman attacks caster. I took this chance to get Gilgamesh out of here. I have to say he is quite heavy and I am struggling to support him. I look behind me to see caster hitting the horseman with magic but it doesn't affect him. I can't believe it, this thing is still alive and unbeatable. I hoist Gil up a bit as I try to fasten my pace. In the background I still hear the fighting so I feel safe that they are preoccupied. "_______ I need manna." Gilgamesh informs me weakly. I nodded and lay him on the floor making sure his manly areas are covered. I am about to start restoring his strength when I hear a twig snap behind me. I turn my head to see caster's master smiling at me. I use my body to cover and protect Gilgamesh. "You have to kill me if you want to get to him!" I glare at him. "I have no interest in him, you on the other hand I could spend ages cutting and carving into you." He smiled. Is this guy serious? I thought. He then grabbed my leg and started pulling me away from Gil. I try to kick and thrash but he is stronger than me. He puts me on my back and sits on my stomach pinning my arms down with his legs. "Get off you psycho prick!" I shout. "Wow for such a beautiful woman you have quite a mouth on you." My attacker said while pulling out a knife. I struggle even more but it's no use. He cuts my skin just under my collar bone. I clench my teeth to stop any sound coming out. I don't want to give this guy the satisfaction of hearing me scream. My attacker doesn't notice Gilgamesh getting up as he is too occupied with cutting into me. My attacker looked up just in time to see Gil's fist coming toward his face before he is knocked out cold. I manage to stand and catch Gilgamesh before he falls to the floor. I lean him on me again and try getting us home ignoring the pain of my cuts.

Gilgamesh The Golden King.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant