Gilgamesh's old friend.

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I feel something cold and wet pressing against my head as I come to. I open my eyes and look to my right to see Gilgamesh dabbing my head with a wet cloth. "Gilgamesh where am I?" I ask groggily. "You're back at the mansion you've been out cold for a week." I sat up slowly wincing a little. "Where's caster and his master, did they escape?" I ask with a hint of fear. "I killed those mongrels they hurt you and they disgraced my status as king." I try to get up and Gil helps me. "I need to learn some more spells, I don't ever want to be in that position ever again." I say with a hint of determination. I am fed up of being weak and having Gilgamesh come save me. Gilgamesh nods and he grabs a black jacket and grabs my hand. "I know someone who can help you with that." He smiles and leads me out of the door and we head into the city.

Gilgamesh's pov:

I have decided to take _____ to see Kirei. He is a skilled mage and can teach _____ a lot about magic. It takes us a good forty-five minutes of walking until we reach the church where Kirei resides. I walk straight in and _____ follows close behind. It is dark with a little light from the candles near the alter. "Gilgamesh, It's been a long while." I hear a voice from behind us. I turn to see Kirei standing by the doors. His hair is long and has gone a bit grey. "Kirei I have come here to ask a favour of you." I smile seeing my old master. "I guess it has something to do with the beauty you have brought with you?" He asks eyeing ______. "Yes she was my Master in this Grail war but Caster made me flesh and blood. I wish for you to teach her some magic so we can both defeat the other Masters and their servants." I ordered. "Very well, I will help her. Her life force is powerful so it shouldn't take long to teach her." Kirei motioned for _____ to follow him. She looked at me a bit concerned. I nodded and she followed him. "How long will this take?" I asked. "A day or two, like I said she seems powerful." He answered. They both went through a side door and I was left alone.

A few days later.... Reader's pov:

I fell weak as I exit the church. Gilgamesh is helping me walk but my legs give way. "Kirei you were meant to help her not make her weak." Gil glared at Kirei. "The process she went through was a long and strenuous one without sleep or food, she will be as good as new after a long good rest." He assured me. "You mean to say she hasn't eaten or slept in two and a half days." Gil seemed pissed at Kirei. "You asked me to train her and I did, I got her trained as soon as possible." Kirei then left. I have never felt so tired or hungry in my life. I don't know what I want more, food or sleep. Gil picked me up and carried me back to the mansion. He laid me down on the bed and came back a few minutes later with a tray of food. There was a slice of cake, crisps, chocolate and a glass of milk. I ate and drank quickly and my stomach is full and it feels good. Gilgamesh took the tray from me and got me under the covers, I then laid my head on the pillow. Gilgamesh stoked my hair soothing me to sleep.

I awoke to find myself alone and the room filled with light. I climbed out of bed and headed down stairs. I peered into the living room to see Gilgamesh asleep on the sofa. I grabbed a blanket and put it over him. I looked around and saw the place in shambles. "What the hell has he been up to?" I whisper to myself. I get something to eat and start cleaning. I decide to do the living room first as it is the messiest. As I clean I can hear little snores escape Gil's mouth and I can't help but giggle. It takes a good hour before the living room is done and another hour to do the rest. I change the sheets and then I get into the shower. After I finish washing my hair I hear someone enter the room. I freeze and listen. I then see a silhouette of a man with blonde hair through the foggy glass and smile knowing it's Gilgamesh. "Gilgamesh what are you doing?" I ask rolling my eyes, not that he can see me do it. I then notice he is getting undressed. After a few seconds he climbed into the shower and pinned me to the wall. I smile seductively back and he lifts me up so my legs wrap around his waist. I wake the next day in bed with Gilgamesh holding me. Last night was the first time we have had sex in the shower and it was great. The added sensation of the water falling on me was a bonus and the things Gilgamesh can do with a shower head is amazing. I smile as I close my eyes and feel Gill tighten his hold on me a little as he slept. I am loving the moment when I start to feel funny. I quickly escape from Gils hold which wakes him up and I run to the bathroom and puke my guts up into the toilet. Gilgamesh comes into the room as I flush the chain. "What's the matter?" He asks. I sit there shocked. I think I know what's wronge.

(A/N)Hi guys sorry for the wait I have been writing a Sesshomaru fan fiction lately and have posted the first chapter on here. I want to thank ZeraOtaku for the idea of the reader learning new spells. I know this chapter isn't very long but I hope you liked it. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments you are all awesome!!!!

Gilgamesh The Golden King.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora