Halloween party.

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The image above is what you the reader are wearing to the party except the hat is smaller.

Reader's pov:

We walk into the building where there are a large group of people already. The interior has fake cobwebs and Halloween style pictures everywhere. There is also a lot of toilet paper draped all over the beams of the ceiling and a net holding a bunch of orange and black balloons in the air. I look around the place impressed that the party looks so good. I see the dis-satisfied look on Gilgamesh's face. I smile a little, he did get himself into this. I then spot my supervisor eyeing Gil up and I try to control my laugh, if only she knew he is the one who is tormenting her at work. I walk over to the food and drink table and grab a drink of soda and gulp it down. "Hi ______." I turn to the sound of the voice and see my manager. "Hi." I smile politely. He has come as a werewolf. "You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend." He winked. "Oh no he's not... were not a thing." I stutter. "Well he seems to like you." He points out the obvious. "Tell me about it, Aliens from mars could see that." I sighed. Suddenly, one of the store managers started talking on the mic. "Thank you all for coming, since this is a Halloween party we are going to have some games, the first one is find the Halloween figure in the dark!" he grinned holding up a handmade zombie doll. "I will throw this in a random direction after the lights go out. If you find it call out and we will turn on the lights. No lights are allowed in this game and if you use one you will be disqualified." He finished. Everyone got ready and the lights went off.

Five minutes have past and I can still hear people shuffling around and laughing. I stood there waiting for someone to win and the lights to come back on. I then feel someone grab my arm and pull me to them and wrap their arms round my waist. I know immediately who it is as I can feel Gil's cool armour against my skin. "W-what are you doing?" I ask as I feel my face heat up. "Holding you." He replies in a sarcastic tone. "Duh, I wanna know why?" I ask. I then hear someone call out that they've won. The lights come back on. "Congratulations to our winner, now for some music before our next game!" The same guy announced before a song came on that wasn't slow or two fast. Gil let go and held out his hand. "Dance with me." Gil commanded. I sighed and took hold of his hand. He then pulled me to him and wrapped one arm round my waist while he still had hold of the other. My body is pressed hard against his and my breath hitched. We started moving at a fast pace. We start to spin and he would occasionally lift me in the air by my waist. I am impressed and surprised that he knows such a fast and modern dance. I can see a lot of girls looking at me with jealousy. He spins me round and then leans me back while supporting me with his arm and leaning over me caressing my cheek. I looked into his eyes with so much want. I have never been made to feel so free and sexy in my life. Everyone clapped and cheered. Gilgamesh then took my hand and pulled me to the side and behind a curtain covering a small room at the back.

Gilgamesh wasted no time in pressing me against the wall and attacking my neck with kisses. I moaned as he licked, kissed and sucked at my sweet spot. He then kissed my lips and I kissed back running my hands through his soft spiky hair. He licked at my lips wanting access. I smiled against his lips and opened up letting him in. He explored my mouth wanting to know every corner of it. He ran his hands up and down my sides and it felt good.

One hour earlier.....

A man named Goro stood in his house as he just finished the final touches to the same symbol that ______ used to bring forth Gilgamesh. "With this servant I will be able to kill anyone who opposes me." He smiled. His first target is Gilgamesh, he at the moment is the greatest obstacle that he faces and wants to eliminate. He finishes the ritual and his servant appears. He opens his bulgy eyes as he looks at his new master. Before Goro stands Bluebeard and he doesn't look too pleased with his new master. "Finally, now I want you to attack the building down the street, there is a party and another servant is there in golden armour he is our greatest threat." He ordered. Bluebeard just stood there. "What are you waiting for you freak, go kill that servant!" Goro shouted. Bluebeard opened his book and read from one of the pages. Goro looked confused after the spell was read out. "What the fuck wa-" Goro didn't manage to finish his sentence as he started bleeding from the eyes, ears and nose. He started screaming until he started choking on his own blood and fell to the floor dead. "Now that minor annoyance has been dealt with." Bluebeard said as he opened his book again and started reading from his book. Suddenly, the body before him started to shake and change before his eyes. After he was done the new body opened his eyes and sat up. Bluebeard knelt before the man and smiled. "It's good to see you alive again....Ryuunosuke." He greeted his old friend.

Oooooh the nasty pair are back again and they are gunna cause trouble, I would like to know what you all think of my story so far and thank you to those who have read my story and followed me. The next chapter should be up soon. :D

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