Why is Gilgamesh doing all this?

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Reader pov.

It's been a few months since Gilgamesh and I moved into our dream home. Gilgamesh paid for some land and builders to create a home worthy of him and his family. The whole downstairs floor is made of marble while the upstairs in wood and covered in a beautiful cream colour carpet. Downstairs, the living room, kitchen and dining room is one huge room. There's a bathroom down the corridor behind the living room as well as a wash room a pantry and a room where Gilgamesh stores his treasures and armour. The basement is down an open plan stairway next to the kitchen where Iris can play when she's older. Now onto upstairs..... Gilgamesh requested SEVEN BEDROOMS! When I asked him about it he said he was expecting six kids in total from me. I would have argued that my womb isn't a factory but I now by now that when Gil sets his mind on something there's no changing it. The bedrooms had to be separated into two floors with two bathrooms on each. Our bedroom is on the heights floor with a huge balcony overlooking the city. Gilgamesh had bought a plot of land on top of a large hill outside the city. All over the hill cherry blossom trees have bloomed. The sight is breathtaking at night and in the day.

The attic is all mine, Gilgamesh has filled it with everything I need to do spells, create magic items and anything else I need to grow my magic abilities. If I'm to be honest I cried with happiness. He has given me everything I could possibly want and more but he doesn't need to. I only want him and our daughter to be happy. All this is just an added benefit to being with the king of heroes.

Iris is one now and is at the age where she is crawling around. Gilgamesh is smitten with her, I catch him tickling her. When she laughed his face lights up with joy. Even though she has been difficult at times with the late night feeds and nappy changes, she's been the best thing to happen to us. Most nights when she wakes up crying Gilgamesh insists that he'll attend to her. He loves feeding her and rocking her to sleep.

Tonight though she has been pretty restless. I awake to the sound of crying for the fifth time tonight. "Don't worry Y/N I've got it." A groggy Gilgamesh insisted. He rubbed his tired eyes and stretched. I turned to look at him feeling bad that I stay in bed while he has to attend to her the second time in a row tonight.
"Are you sure, I can do it if you'd like?" I croaked out. Apparently my vocal cords were still asleep.
"Yeah, you didn't sleep much last night, go back to sleep." Gil then kissed my forehead and then my lips before heading to the next room to attend to the fussy little princess. I sigh, I wish I could go back to sleep. I'm hot and it's stuffy in here. I open the large doors leading to the balcony and step outside to watch the sleeping city.

After a minute or two the crying faded to a little coo and then silence. I chuckled to myself, he's such a great father. I stood outside for another thirty minutes. When I returned inside Gilgamesh hadn't returned. Confused I left the bedroom and went into Iris's room. The scene I saw was priceless. Gilgamesh was sat in the reclining armchair next to the crib. Iris slept soundly on his chest with her bum supported by his right arm and a child's book 'The sleepy panda' in his left hand. Gilgamesh had his head laid back on the headrest, mouth a gape and snoring softly. My heart couldn't deal with how cute the scene was before me. I also wanted to laugh because even though he is a graceful and proud king, he had drool slowly running down his chin. I shook my head and crossed the dimly lit room. The light blue nightlight was small but my god was it bright. I took Iris from Gil and laid her down in the crib. She was wearing a pink onesie that read Daddy's little princess on it. I covered her up in her fave blanket and kissed her goodnight.

Next was Gilgamesh, I chuckled when I turned to face him.  I grabbed a tissue and wiped the drool, reclined the seat and raised the footrest. I then went and grabbed a spare blanket from the storage cupboard and covered him up so he wouldn't get cold. I ran my hand through his golden hair and took a moment to appreciate the peaceful and beautiful face of my love. I then kissed him on the lips. "Goodnight my king, I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too." Gilgamesh muttered in his sleep as I was about to leave the room. My heart fluttered with joy. I looked back and smiled before returning to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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