Chapter 28

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Having never been here before, the first thing I notice is that the Outer City is not so remarkably different from our City.

We spiral through a confusing network of run-down stone buildings, pocked and marked, crumbling into various states of disrepair. Clearly, the Outer City boasted an impressive Common population prior to the Rebellion. People wander in and out of the buildings, giving us curious glances as we ride by. A group of children chases us for a time, squealing and shouting "Runner!" after me until I spin in my seat and stick my tongue out at them playfully, causing them to erupt into peals of laughter.

The streets are so uncannily familiar that I half-expect the road to end in the massive gates of a glass Palace. Instead, a low, sprawling building advances towards us. Cobalt-blue shutters are thrown open to allow in the afternoon light; the royal colour startlingly dramatic against bleached white walls. Several impeccably dressed men and women mill about the grounds, noticeably idle compared to the busy tradespeople who greeted us when we first arrived.

There is definitely a strange energy to this lavish estate. The overly-fine clothing. The rude mannerisms. These people are former Courtiers, no doubt, but they are still perpetuating the haughty attitudes of the pre-Rebellion. I sweep my gaze casually across the grounds as Will and I draw to a stop near the door of Grayson's home, swinging down off the saddle to land on shaky legs.

I catch more than one sneer as the former Courtiers rake their eyes over us. No one bothers to come over to offer us welcome. I have no qualms about the fact that we are intruders here.

If Will feels the steely greeting as acutely as I do he doesn't show it.

"You, there." He raises his voice to a surly-looking teenage boy a few paces away from us.

The lad shuffles forward reluctantly, keeping his gaze averted from the sight of Will towering over him. "Yessir?"

"Do me a favour and take these horses, will you? They'll need some water and a rubdown. I trust you know how to take care of that." Will hands over the reigns, quirking a friendly grin. I copy his example and pull my face straight, trying to appear at-ease.

The boy seems bewildered but accepts the reigns, staring up at the massive horses with an expression of utter confusion. I allow Will to place a hand on the small of the back and steer me towards the doors, my eyes flicking back and forth over the stone facade of the walls ahead of me, reflexively analyzing the bricks and windows.

Our boots click against the tiled floor, the sound echoing off the pristine stone walls surrounding us. The interior is a series of tiled hallways separated by white-washed pillars. My trained eyes skim over the surfaces of various benches and the artful ceramic vases. Everything appears immaculate; even the plush cushions thrown onto the furniture are freshly plumped. I can already see evidence of where Grayson is spending the allowance given to him by the Madam.

Finally, rushed footsteps hurry down the hall and a short, squat woman appears in front of us, her grey curls springing up around her face and a high colour marring her round cheeks.

"Hello!" She puffs out a couple quick breaths in an attempt to recover from her dash from whatever corner of the estate she materialized from. "Welcome. I'm Suze, I'm the head housekeeper here."

"Suze, a pleasure to meet you." Will extends his hand to shake and I do the same. "I'm Will and this is Kay."

"Oh, I know who you are." Her grip is firm and she smiles warmly, though she still appears flustered. "Forgive me, but is Lord Grayson expecting you?"

I nearly scoff at her use of the word 'Lord'. Grayson's title was stripped after the Rebellion but clearly he hasn't bothered to inform his staff of that detail.

The Wastelands (Part II of the Runner Series)Where stories live. Discover now