21: 'I love you.'

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Y'all are ya ready? This is it. The end of 'I love you (Peter Hayes x reader)

Tris stood behind you gun raised in anger, ready to shoot.

"I'll stay with Caleb, make sure he's safe. Marcus and Four too." You nod, understanding what she means. She is scared but not for herself, for her brother, for Four. She doesn't need to be losing another person today and neither do you. She trusts you to stay safe. As you walk through the door with Will you think about all those people who have died today.

Eric was shot by Tris; he could be dead. Erudite took Peter, he could be dead. Your mother. Natalie. Your father. Andrew. Dan. A whole lot of innocent Dauntless. Some less innocent Erudite. And more.

When you had left Abnegation earlier that day it had been you, Tris, your mother and Natalie. Then it became you and Will. When Tris arrived at the warehouse it became you, Will, your father, Caleb, Tris, Andrew and Marcus. Then Four joined. Now it was you, Will, Caleb, Tris, Four and Marcus.

You walked down a corridor, you could hear static and radio noise, people screaming, you could see them on screens, Abnegation were being herded like cattle. You and Will spotted Peter, you moved over to him.

Cutting off his bounds with a knife you whisper to Will to get the others, and he nods leaving. As he leaves Peter grabs your hand causing you to drop your gun and he attacks you. You drop the knife too.

"Peter?" he stands opposite you as you heave. "Peter? It's me. You're in a sim." A woman speaks.

"He can't hear you. It's amazing isn't it? Everything that we think makes up a person, thoughts, emotions, history, all wiped away by chemistry." Jeanine.


"He's gone. And we're all safer for it."

"Safer?" to say you are mad is an understatement, like calling the sea a puddle, you are so far beyond even livid there wasn't a word for it. "How the hell are we safer?" She answered but you weren't listening anymore. You didn't care. You could only hear the occasional word above the blood pumping in your ears.

"don't... beauty in your... divergent... can't afford." Then she is walking away and a man is clicking a keyboard. You walk over to Peter and whisper.

"Peter, it's me. It's Y/n. Remember? It's me." You go to kiss him but his hand closed around your neck and he pushed you into a wall, choking you. Gasping and thrashing against his grip you try and fight back. You punch his arm and he lets go. As you get up and kick him, still fighting to get air in your lungs, he throws you into a table. Getting up and feeling the broken glass shards in your arm. You already know the stiches Caleb put in your shoulder are ripped, before the pain shoots down your arm. You barely have time to recover and rise before Peter throws a metal pipe at you and you have to duck. He throws punches that you can only just block. Between blows you yell.

"Peter... It's... Me... Stop..." You know this is a fight you cannot win. You let him flip you to the ground and throw punch after punch at your face. As your arms flail about in pain you reach a gun. "Peter stop." You say, holding the gun at him. He moves back. Erudite personal aim guns at you. You remember the fear sims. You flip the gun and aim it at your own head. He takes the trigger.

"It's okay. It's okay. I love you. It's okay." Jeanine watches. "It's okay." Peter take the trigger in his hand and looks away. You reach up and force him to look at you. "Look at me. It's okay. It's me. It's me. It's me." Suddenly his eyes soften and there is recognition in his face. You let the gun slip away from your head close your eyes.

"Y/n." he whispers. You nod, although it hurts. An Erudite man walks over towards you two, suspicious. You nod at Peter.

"Go." You say and he jumps up to begin shooting, once the attention is away, you reach for the knife you dropped earlier. You saw Jeanine walking towards some screens and immediately take off after her. Peter shoots some more people and covers you. Soon he's out of bullets and just starts kicking and punching at people. The screens begin to bleep and you saw Abnegation being forced down and Dauntless readying their guns.

I love you (Peter Hayes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now