Chapter Ten

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"Cam, is that you?" Sam feigned a gasp as I walked into the kitchen.

"Fuck off Sam." I growled at him, avoiding looking in his direction.

"Come on, I haven't seen you come out of your room for three days." He laughed at my scowl.

"I've been busy." I grabbed the coffee pot from the counter, still warm so Wanda was around this morning, and poured myself a mug.

"What is going on with you Buck? What happened between you and Juliet? She's as weird about you as you seem about her." I looked up at Sam, the curiosity burning in his eyes told me Juliet, or Cam or even Wanda, hadn't said a word to him about it. I was grateful for them.

I sipped the coffee as I noticed the worry behind that curiosity. "Nothing happened Sam, okay? Just seeing her reminds-" I almost choked on air. "It just reminds me, alright?" I knew he'd get it, I knew he wouldn't push anymore. He was a dick sometimes and he loved to joke but he knew when to stop, he knew when to support.

"Alright man, but you've got to stop hiding, if I have to listen to Cam moan about missing you one more time I'm going to blow my brains out." He turned back to face the TV, dropping the subject completely.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, I knew Juliet and Cam weren't in the building, embarrassingly, I'd made sure before I left my bedroom.

"Steve and Nat are training, like the years upon years of training will fall out their brain if they take a day off, Tony is at some school thing with Morgan, Cam and Juliet are at Juliet's apartment getting more of her things, Webhead is doing some last minute school thing and your favourite person in the world is right here." He ended with a wave in my general direction.

My stomach had dropped though, "You let the girls go back to that apartment alone?" My fists curled.

"What? Yeah." He shrugged, turning to throw me a puzzled look.

"After those red room agents were just waiting for a Juliet there a few days ago? Are you serious? Where's Maximoff?" I knew she wouldn't have let them go alone if she'd have known about it.

"Vision." He rolled his eyes, he didn't like Vision, even Vision in a completely separate universe to ours.

He'd had a thing for Wanda since day one, not that he'd ever admitted to anyone, even himself, but I knew. I sometimes wondered if Wanda knew, when I'd catch her watching him from the corner of her eye, when she'd gently rest her head on his shoulder on the sofa, he had to hear the thoughts I just knew were screaming in his head. 

I wasn't about to get involved in their business but sometimes, like today when I was pissed off at everything and everyone, I just wanted to shout at them, to admit their feelings to each other and stop dancing around what would be such an easy and simple relationship.

"God damn it Sam, why'd you let them go?" I shoved my mug back onto the counter, pushing myself into the hallway. More important that Sam and Wanda.

"You're getting weirder man." He yelled after me.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Cam, no answer.

I tried again and still got her stupidly cheery voicemail message.

Why was she so reckless? 

I expected it from her but for Juliet to take her there? Knowing the risks, after all her training and she still went back there.

I took the stairs two at a time, trying Cam again, it reached voicemail by the same time I reached Wanda's door.

"Wanda." I whispered inside my head, knowing she'd answer if she could. Nobody else knew we communicated like this, it was weird as hell, I wouldn't tell anyone else.

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