Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Anything?" Tony asked Cam as we landed. 

"I can't tell, I can only feel their shield, you're gonna need to give me a few minutes." She shrugged, standing from her seat, she'd been sat up front with Tony the whole flight, they'd bickered whenever she tried to figure out how to fly the jet, Tony kept trying to distract her whenever he did anything that he thought she'd be able to pick up on. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Wanda asked her as she moved passed us. 

"I can't concentrate on taking the shield down in the jet, it's too hard to pinpoint what I need, I need to move away from it." Cam moved further to the door. 

"You're not going out there alone, if they're still there and they have a way to know we've just landed they'll be all over this place in minutes." Wanda shook her head, I could just see Cam resisting the urge to roll her eye. 

"I'll go with her." I offered, unsure why I'd done it, I didn't want to, I didn't really want to get off the jet, but I also didn't want them to argue over this, I'd already hated that Cam had argued with them about it already, the only reason we'd had to come back was because of me and Bucky and the stupid connection that I wanted broken so badly. 

"You have comms?" Wanda asked, still unsure about the idea of just the two of us getting off the jet. 

"Yeah." I nodded, I'd taken it from my room when I'd hurriedly packed and rushed to catch up with them all before they'd left. 

I pulled it from the front pocket of my backpack.

"Okay, and if they find just the two of you? Then you're both dead instead of just Cam." Peter spoke up, I could tell he was worried. 

"We'll be fine." Cam did roll her eye at him then, pushing a button to open the rear door of the jet.

"You know you always say that to me each time you're not fine, right?" Peter called after us as we hit the dusty ground. 

"If we're not back in twenty minutes assume we've been brutally murdered and come collect our bodies." She called back over her shoulder, moving to the right, jumping a low, dead bush. 

"You know with your track record you could just reassure them in a normal way?" I said as I followed her, unsure how she knew where she was going. 

"I can try and reassure them any which way, either way they're always going to think I'll die if I'm not with them wrapped in bubblewrap." I couldn't see her face as she pushed passed more brown, dead shrubs but I knew she was rolling her eye again. 

"How do you know where we're even going?" I asked her, crawling over a dusty boulder to reach her, feeling the suns heat hit my black t-shirt, I was already starting to sweat. 

"Oh, I don't, I just need to be far enough away from the jet that I can concentrate on the shield they've got up." She told me, moving forward again once I'd caught her up. 

I looked around us, for any sign of life beyond the crickets and cicadas. 

"You guys escaped out here?" She asked after a few more quiet minutes of pushing through bushes, dodging crickets that jumped after us as we disturbed them with our feet. 

"I was barefoot too." I frowned at the ground, wondering how I'd made it as far as I had before I'd have to accept defeat and let Bucky carry me. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered, I knew there was no point in trying to convince her it wasn't her fault, we didn't have time. 

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