The First Day

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edited; may 19, 2017

It had been a week since I told Annabeth and my mom about the diagnosis. Unsurprisingly, they were shocked. Annabeth hugged me tight, reassuring me that it was okay.

My lovely mother, she slapped me.

I was on my way to mom's apartment where I would meet Annabeth and mom. The breeze felt amazing in the humid weather, but I was still feeling muggy. I didn't want to tell anyone. Maybe the gods would take pitty. 

When I got there, my mom pulled me into an embrace. 

"Percy I missed you! Gone for eight months?"

"Yeah, sorry mom." I said sheepishly.

"Why did you want to talk to us?" Annabeth asked, kissing my cheek.

"Oh, well. Sit down."

"Just tell us!" Mom smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"Um- I have." I took a deep breath, "Cancer. Leukemia."

There were no words to say. Annabeth wrapped her arms around me as I burried my face into the crook of her neck. She smelled the same, lemony. Yet everything was different. 

I turned to my mom. Her lips were pursed. She raised her arm, and stupidly, I was reaching in for a hug when she slapped me. Hard

"Perseus Jackson! How long have you been feeling sick?" she yelled. 

"Two weeks " I mumbled.  

She looked me right in the eyes,

"Get out."

She had a teary smile so I knew she wasn't mad, but obviously in a state of  shock.

Annabeth led me out the door by the hand, pulling me into yet another hug. I couldn't help but cry. We stood there for minutes, her hand in my hair, me soaking the back of her shirt.  

"Don't worry Percy, you'll be fine" she soothed.

How wrong she was.


"You know I'm just gonna call it chemo." I said to Annabeth. 

She sat beside me in the hospital waiting room. Cancer department. Everything was sterile from the walls to the leather chairs. 

"And you'll never believe that other people call it that too." she smiled, grabbing my hand. 

About five minutes later, Dr. Sarah appeared from the automatic doorway. She was in her usual white uniform, but this time with a clipboard in her hand. I began to feel jumpy, but Annabeth gave me a reassuring grin. 

"Hello, Percy." she greeted warmly. 

"Hi," I tried to seem optomistic. "How are you?"

"Good, good. Thank you. Who do you have with you today?"

"My girlfriend, Annabeth." I introduced. 

After acknowledging each other, Dr. Sarah gestured for us to come back. 

She led us to a room, all white still. A large grey chair sat near the corner, something like the recliner in the Big House.  

"Alright Percy, just sit right here while I get it ready." she waved toward the seat.

"Dr. Sarah, what are side effects of chemo?" I asked.

She pursed her lips and said " There are many, but some well known side affects are vomiting, headache, anemia, nausea, and hair loss." 

They both looked at me, waiting for a reaction. I lifted the corners of my lips, but I wasn't really feeling it.

"First, I'm going to draw some blood, okay?" 

I nodded as she cleaned the area inside my arm. 

"Make a fist." she instructed before placing a needle in the vein. 

I watched as my diseased blood was transferred from me into the little capsules. Once complete, Dr. Sarah took the blood up to a lab. 

Annabeth and I were forced to wait almost three more hours before going up to the actual treatment. 

"You can go, if you want." I told her. 


Eventually we were called back again, but this time to the infusion floor. I had three hours to calm my anxiety, but it just got worse. This time a nurse called us up. 

The new room had everything I never did before. A TV, an even comfier chair than before, a bed, and thank all the gods, it had blankets. 

"Can I move in?" I whispered. 

The nurse chuckled, "We'd love to have you here every day. Now here are a few pre-meds. They'll help with nausea and anxiety, and one is a steroid. Now get comfy, this may take the rest of the day."

She gave me the medecine and stuck an IV in my arm. Different liquids were being pumped into my body. The nurse switched on the TV. 

"The Big Bang Theory-" I grinned, "- a classic."

"We're starting," she let me know. 

Ice. It was like ice coursed through my veins. The nausea wasn't immediate, but the anxiety was awful. 

"I think this is how Jason felt when Khione froze him.." I mumbled groggily. 

I was later told by Annabeth the nurse raised her eyebrows and added that all people react differently. 

"You okay?" she asked a while later. 

It had been an hour, but we still weren't finished. We were in it together. 

The nurse came in every thirty minutes to check vitals. I fell asleep multiple times, and I woke up thinking all of it was a dream. It wasn't. 

Five hours later, it was finally over. 

"Just relax for a while," the nurse told me. "We have to see if you have any reactions anyway."

I didn't. And I went home tired as fuck. 

"I'm gonna kill myself."

"If you do, I will."

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