Pffft not if Super sized Mcshizzle can helppop it

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Aye, I be back minions. Get ready...


-Face palm- Mortals -shakes head-


"Fuck it, I don't believe them" I said, a little panicky. "Leo" Piper said quietly. "There is no denying, Percy is going to...." she trailed off. But we all knew what she was going to say. Die. "Pffft, not if Super sized Mcshizzle can helppop it".

"And what do you think you will do" Jason sighed. "Find a way, like I always do". "He has a point" Frank pointed out. "Yeah, I mean, he did DIE, and come back" Travis agreed. The small apartment we all shared was nothing big, and it was even more crowded with the Stolls. Of course, I got the couch.

(A/N BTW, did I say it was big before, because it isn't :)

"I don't care" Annabeth mumbled. "Nobody can save him now". Piper put an arm around her friend, "Don't think like that Annabeth, Leo might actually find away".

"How!" Annabeth yelled shakily, "Honestly, his head is filled with ashes". "Thanks" I grumbled. I always knew she had a soft spot for me. She liked to kick my soft spot, too. Feeling the love, Annie.

"Whoa, Annabeth. Calm yourself" Conner said. "Shut up" she growled. He's dead. RIP Conner Stoll. "Run Conner" Travis told his younger brother.

I just stood up, and walked out of the apartment. Something big, I feel it happening. "Thanks a lot Pipes" I grumbled to myself. That song is SERIOUSLY stuck in my head.

    "Hellooooo" I said in a sing song voice by the door. Percy just groaned, and I took that as a "Come in, oh lord of awesomeness Leo, sir". "What's up, Kelp head". He groaned once more.
   "I feel like shit, repair boy. You?". I sighed dramatically, "Oh nothing, but of course, except the fact your girlfriend tried to kill Conner, and has a sarcastic side".

   "I know about the sarcastic side". "Mm" I told him, my attention focused on the little girl in the doorway. "Hello". She spoke in a slightly foreign accent. I don't know, Russian? "Hi Layla, how's life".

"Shitty", she said. Percy raised an eyebrow. "Um....well...ok?". The girl looked about 5, with real short brown hair, like Percy's used to be. Layla also had grayish blue eyes, and was wearing a pink hospital gown, with what looked like pajama pants.

"Someone's hair got shorter, eh" Percy said, trying to keep upbeat. "Yesh it did. Pewcy, why awe you so tiwed" she asked thoughtfully. "Because that cold medicine is going to kill me before the cancer does, Cinderella". She giggled loudly, "I'm not CINDEWELLA siwwy. I'm Bewwe. Fwom Beauty and da Beast".

"Ah, I see. My bad....BELLE. Oh Beasty, this is my friend Leo". Layla studied me for a while before saying five words that I hear all the time. "He wooks wike and ewf". An elf. Go figure.

"I do don't I, sunshine. Nice to meet you". She smiled a toothy grin. Well, toothy-ish. Her two front teeth only a large, black space. "Layla" a doctor, I remembered at Dr. Sarah, barged though the door. "It's time to go".

"Cowd medicine" she asked quietly. The doctor nodded, and took her out of the room.

Percy immediately went back to his moaning and groaning. "Hey Percy" I said nervously. "Mmhm".

"If I had a way to help, a medicine or something, would you take it". Percy lifted his head a bit. After a bit he sighed, and said, "I would rather leave it to the fates. Honestly Leo, after all the shit that's been going on in my life, I realized, no matter what, the fates will have it their way. If they want me to die, and you give me the thing, I may die with a third eye, or something".

"Damn. Thats deep". Percy nodded.

I can't help it. If Percy Jackson dies, he dies.
And then we got the phone call

Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuun
-applause- Amazhang chapter right?
So the end it near. After over 46 chapters, this roller coaster is slowing

It was a crazy ride. Luff u all
(Don't worry, few more chapters ^_^)

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