Good Morning

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Percy POV

" Good Morning, sleepy head" Annabeth whispered in my ear. I groaned and put the pillow over my head. Big mistake.

Annabeth took it, and started hitting me with it. "Ow Ow OW, ok ok I'm up". She smirked, "Good, now get up". "Whyy" I whined. " Because, Seaweed Brain, there is something called breakfast, and you need to haul your lazy butt up".

"Nice Pep talk" I grumbled. " Just get dressed Percy". "Yes Mother". Then I winced. My mom. " Percy, you alright" Annabeth asked, concerned. "Yeah-Yeah, I'm fine". She nodded, still unsure, but put on a smile. " Go Seaweed Brain".

I slipped on a t shirt, and jeans. Even doing that hurt. I'm waaay outta shape. Sighing, I went out. "Ready, Perce". "Yup I'm ready".

When we got down to the cafeteria, Annabeth asked me "Whatdya wanna eat". I didn't really know. The food in the cafeteria supposedly isn't good, but the only thing I taste is medicine, so who cares.

" What do you wanna eat, I can't taste a thing". She thought, " How about McDonald's". (A/N I really don't like their chicken nuggets anymore*shiver*). " You read my mind".

"There are sooo good" I said. "Your such and idiot, Percy". I grinned. "I'm your idiot". " Just eat" she said, but had a smile on her face.

"Now what" I said. "There's nothing else here". " Well, I could make you do homework"


"But I'm too nice". (I'm listening to Chains. Random..sorry) "That's why I love you".

"Hi Percy" I turned around. "Hey Amber". "This Chemo thing sucks, I want my hair back" she whined. "Hey, I do too, but that's what makes us special".

She hugged me, and ran back to her mom. " You have a way with kids" Annabeth said. "Hey I'm still a kid at heart". She kissed my cheek. "Yes you are, my little baby".

"Yes Percy"
"I'm bored"
"I don't care"
"But Annieee" I whined. She sighed and put down her book. "What do you wanna do". "I don't really know actually, because I can't do a thing".

" How about we go to the "only room with video games" room". I smiled, "I'm rubbing off on you". She groaned loudly, " Oh great, you are".

"Let me wiiiin" I said. "Nope". Annabeth kept her eyes glue to the screen. She looked cute, when she focused on something.

" Ha, I win for the 7th time". "Anniiieeee stoppit". "Wanna play something else". She thought for a second. So cute. " How about this cute game. It's called Little Big Planet".

I looked at the box. "6 and up". " What" she defended. "It's cute". "Ok, whatever".

" How are you DOING this". I asked. I kept dying, and she kept surviving. "It's easy. Just remember the attacks, a pattern".

"THIS IS NOT PAC MAN, AHHH". I died again. "Percy, you really are hopeless". " Thanks, Wise Girl". She sighed, and put down the controller.

" Percy, I've been thinking about what you said last night. I have to be here with you, I'm quitting school, I'll do an online course". My mouth dropped.

"Annabeth no". "I have to Percy". "NO" It came out harsher then I meant to. She had a shocked expression, and a tear found its way down her cheek.

"No-No Wise Girl" I wiped the tear with my thumb. "Stay at school. Your the smartest girl in the world. Your going to be something great. Stay at Goode. That would be Goode for you".

She laughed, though she was crying. "Bad pun, Seaweed Brain".

"Let's start over, Good Morning Wise Girl"
"Good Morning, Seaweed Brain "

How was that, cute

Sorry I haven't been updating, school is starting.

And this is something true

You used to love Joe Jonas, and now you love Nick.

Just a hunch, am I right?

~Baiii Bunnies

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