He's gonna live......right

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Jason POV

Annabeth called me at 10:00 at night. (They have an apartment. The demigods. Calypso had to stay back at camp. Yes, I just did that) She said that Percy had to get a permanent room in the hospital. Me, Piper, and Leo literally ran there. We accidentally forgot the car.

Annabeth was in the waiting room when we got there. "Hey, Annabeth" Piper said softly. "Hey" she said barely audible. "How's Percy" I asked. ''Sick" she said with a smile tugging at her lips. "O-Ook" Leo said.

"Hey, guys" Percy's mom said. "Hi Mrs. Blofis" Piper said. " You guys wanna see Percy. When I asked him if you can come he practically screamed please" she said.

She led us to the room. 818. What a coincidence. August is 8. 18 is the day. Get it. STUPID ADHD. When Mrs. Blofis opened the door, I had to hold in a gasp. Percy had different IV's in his arms and had a tube in his nose. "What is in his nose" I whispered to Annabeth. "An endotracheal tube"


"Breathing tube"

"Thank you". Man, she really needs to speak real english. "I do, actually" Shit, did I say that out loud. "You did actually" a weak voice said. "PERCY" Annabeth said and hugged him. "Annabeth, please don't kill me now, I need some time" he said.

"Sorry" she mumbled."I'll go now, have fun guys" Mrs. Blofis said. "So much fun" Percy said sarcastically.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you" A woman said to me. I turned around and saw a doctor with a name tag that said "Dr. Sarah". I remember her. "Um..sure" I said. I walked out with her and she said "Your a friend of Percy right"

"Yeah, he is my cousin"

"Oh so your family, good"

"Yeah, so what did you want to tell me"

"Well, Percy came in a little late, we don't know if.." she trailed off.

"Wait. He's gonna live....right?"

"We can't say yet, but he still has time" she said. I just nodded. Why do I always have to give the bad news. But, I walked in the room. "Hey Jase, you ok" Piper asked.

"Yeah, your really pale" Percy said. "And sweaty" Leo added. "I-I'm fine" I said shakily. "Ok, so who wants to watch a movie' Annabeth asked, changing the subject.

"How about spider man" Leo said. "Haha very funny, how about... Home Alone"Annabeth suggested. 'Sures" and "Yeah Ok's" were heard all around. Except Leo, who said "That's old"

In the middle of the movie I decided to tell Annabeth about what the doctor said."Hey Annabeth" I whispered. "Yeah" "Can I talk to you outside". "Um sure". We walked outside, and I told her what the doctor said. "He is gonna live" I didn't know how to answer. "Right" she said more demanding. I have her 1 word she may or may not like "maybe"

I just wanna mention, the story will not have lots of Calypso, maybe more in the end.

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