Some bromance

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Jason POV

Leo and I were sitting with Percy in his cabin. He kept fidgeting with that lock of hair. When I first came to camp, I thought Percy would be a stuck up snob. I didn't expect.... him.

Now we're like brothers. "Perce, it's gonna be fine I promise" Leo said. I thought Percy would jump up and scream at him, but he just sighed and said "I don't know, what if I die. I always thought that would happen in battle. Not after".

"C'mon Perce, don't think like that, you'll live" I reassured him. He smiled at me gratefully but it faltered "If I do die, then ... Annabeth... I will miss her so much" . I rolled my eyes and said "What about her Kelp Head".

"Kelp Head" Leo started "What about barnacle brain". " Sorry" Percy said. "Ares already gave that to my dad". We laughed and then I realized if Percy did die, no more laughing when he did something stupid, no more him and Leo walking in to dinner with disco clothes singing "I'm sassy and I know it".

No more happy joyful camp. He was like a brother to the camp. And Annabeth's spirit would die along with him. "What's the matter , Sparky" Leo asked, concern lacing his voice. I realized I was clammy with sweat.

Wow. My brain worked to hard. "I'm fine " I told him. "Yeah, well I'm not" Percy said. I rolled my eyes " No duh Sherlock ". "I thought it was no shi-" "LEO" I interrupted. " No cursing " I reminded him.

"Oh yeah, oops" he said boredly. " You regret nothing don't you" Percy said. "Aww, you know me so well" Leo said. Pretending to cry he hugged Percy, and Percy, being the idiot he is, did the same.

"A budding bromance " Leo said shaking Percy's hand. Percy nodded while grinning. I laughed so hard I was rolling in the floor.

"You guys it's dinner" Piper called from the door. "Ok, just as soon as Jason's done dying" Leo said. I thought she would think I was actually dying, but she just muttered "boys" and I heard her walk away.

Ok this is random, but doesn't frozen seem like PJO. Annabeth as Anna, who liked Hans, Luke. Then Kristoff comes, Percy. They hate each other , then start to like each other. And Hans betrays them, like luke did. And Kristoff, did anything to save Anna. TADA. Real random huh.

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