Pop goes the WEASEL, then goes Percy

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Ok, so this chapter is a sad one, and it is actually based off a true story of one of my friends. That terrible no good very bad weasel. There are lots of feels in this chapter. I cried. I'm sensitive. Don't judge me. ENJOY THE FIREWORKS TONIGHT SOME OF YOU

WEASEL. Thats the word to describe Mason. (Sorry if your name is Mason:). Mason is this kid that came in yesterday. He was 18, a year older. And Gods he was... a brat. He has a cough. Thats it. His Parents are the richest people in New York, even more than the Dares. He will brag about that all the time. 


I was sitting in the cafeteria, eating dinner. "Hey Percy" Mason said. I sighed. "Yes Mason". "See that girl over there" he pointed to a girl sitting alone, who looked a lot like Hazel, but smaller. "Yeah, I see her why" I asked. "I heard they might be sending her out because her family doesn't have enough money" he said laughing. "What does she have" I asked. "Uh, leukemia like you" he said. "And why is that funny" I said getting angry. 

"Because, think about ALL the money I have" Now I had to REALLY resist the urge to punch him. The only reason I was still in here was because Poseidon(Long Story). I walked over to the girl. 

"Hi I'm Percy". "Amber" She said quietly. "Hey, I know that I can help you, just wait till tomorrow" I told her. 'Really" she said Perking up. "Yeah, how old are you, kiddo" I said, trying to keep her happy. "I'm 11" she said happily. 

"Well, I'm no fortune teller, but I know tomorrow is going to be a good day" I said to her. Then I prayed to all the Gods. Even ones I hate. This girl HAS to stay. And I think this girl is something special. Her eyes are what are special. They were a DARK DARK blue. Not like Jasons or Thalia's. And she looked exactly like a small Hazel. Except the eyes, duh. 

The next day, I got a knock on my door. Annabeth was with me, (Weekend) so she was confused. But I knew exactly who it was. "Annabeth, I can't feel my legs, can you be a dear and get the door" I said sweetly. She rolled her eyes, but had a small smile. "Yes, Seaweed Brain, I can get the door" she said.

When she opened the door, Amber was standing there with a Woman, that looked like she was in her 20's or 30's. "How did you know" Amber said. "I just felt it" I said. "Thank you" The woman said. Her mom. "Don't thank me, thank...Greece, or Rome, or the Empire State Building" I said. She laughed. Amber ran to me, and hugged me. "Thank you so much" she whispered. "You, my dear person, are very welcome" she laughed. "C'mon Amber, its time for your first Chemo" her mom said. 

"Why can't it be my last, I heard stories about it" she grumbled on her way out.

Later in the day, when I was able to walk, I saw Mason in the room I was going to. The room I like to call "The only place with video games". Cheesy name, but its true. "Annabeth, can you let me win this time" I pleaded. "Nope" she said popping the 'p'. She laughed. 

"Heyy, pretty Lady" Mason said to Annabeth. I knew Annabeth was going to deal with this. She has her ways, no stopping them. She winked at me then turned to Mason. She put her arms around his neck, and said 

"Give me your hand".  He smiled and obliged. I knew what she was going to do. She judo flipped him and said "I'm someone else's Pretty Lady, freak". "WHO" He asked. "Let me shine some light on the subject, hmmm. ME" I told him with a smirk.

His shocked face was enough to make my day. Pop goes the weasel. "B-but, look at him. He has nothing. Not even HAIR. He looks like a walking dead. He is a FREAK" (This really happened to my friend. That BITCH). I now stood there shocked. "You BITCH" Annabeth said to him and slapped him. I still just stood there. Everything went blurry, and I realized they were tears. "C'mon Perce, lets go" Annabeth said softly. I followed her wishing I was dead. Pop went the Percy.

Annabeth POV

That little shit did NOT just hurt my Seaweed Brain. His eyes starting tearing. "C'mon Perce, lets go" I told him softly. Mason just stood there smirking. "And pop goes the Percy" He said. One of the doctors  told Mason "Get out" Very sternly, but calm. The doctor was in a wheelchair and.... Wheelchair. CHIRON. I leaded Percy out, and he was just following. If possible, he seemed even PALER. I am going to REALLY pop that weasel. 

When we got in the room, Percy sat in his bed, head between his knees, and shaking. I sat next to him and soothed him the best I could. Chiron  rolled into the room, still probably pissed at Mason. Like me. "Chiron, what are you doing here" I asked. "I came to see my students, of course" He said with a soft smile. "Percyyy" I whispered. "Chiron's here". "I don't care" he said sniffling. "Percy" Chiron started. "Who cares what the child said, he is just jealous". "Again, I don't care" He yelled. 

"Percy" I said forcefully. I pulled up his chin and said "You are Perfect. You saved the WORLD. You are MY world. I can't watch you feel like this. HE is a freak(My sister is watching Full House, sorry Random). You Are AMAZING. And nothing, NOTHING is going to change that" The words just poured from my heart. I kissed him, and he kissed back, probably realizing I was right. As always. "I love you Annabeth" he said. "I love you too" I said. 

"Well, children, I should be getting back" Chiron said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you Chiron, for getting rid of that piece of Schist" Percy said. "Oh, it was nothing child, goodbye" He said, and shut the door. 


Me, Jason, and Piper decided to go see Percy. I still DON'T GET how he changes that fast. He was INCREDIBLY pale. He has no hair, and his eyes are dull. But he still is Happy. Well, maybe its like me. Hide the pain with humor.

When we got there, Annabeth was watching a movie, and Percy was asleep on her shoulder. His eyes were puffy, as if he were crying. I took that thought out of my head. "Hey Annabeth" Piper said. "Hey guys, and Leo the thing at school" She started laughing. We all laughed. Percy slowly rose his head. He yawned (I just Yawned :-) and said "Well. good morning?". We laughed Again. "Ok..Good night?" he asked. "Actually, its 8:00" Jason said. "Oh, hi guys". "Hello Percy" we all said together. 

Done. Heyoooooooooo. I have a question. Is this story good or bad? Did my sister ruin it with the last chapter. 




Well that was Very random. Baiii

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