Its time to let go

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So, about 2 more chapters ;(
I'm gonna miss you guys, such great supporters
8K?!?!?!?! XD
I love you Oreo's
Stay fangirls
Media art by XZoeTheHuntressX

Pipers POV

"PHOONE" Leo shouted from the living room. "ASSHOLE. GET UP AND GET IT YOURSELF" Jason yelled back at him. Leo muttered a string of Spanish cuss words and went to the phone. "Dirty mouthed" Hazel shuddered, walking into our room. "You understood him?" I asked.

     She looked at me confused. "Spanish comes from Latin, I understood most of it". "Ah, I see". Hazel sat next to me on the bed. "Who do you think was calling". "Probably....something. I'm just glad that the Hephaestus Cabin monster proofed.......everything". I looked around our room. Pink and white lace bordered the ceiling, giving it an old fashioned look. Besides the open computer, and the weapons, of course.

    Hazel just stared at the ajar door. "Haze" I asked cautiously, "What's up". Her eyes clouded a bit. "Something's going to happen. Something, I don't kno-". Suddenly, Leo burst through the door, his face white with fear. I jumped up immediately. "Leo what's wro-".

"We have to go. NOW". "But what's the matter" Hazel asked him sternly. "It's Percy" he gasped.

      "DRIVE GRACE DRIVE" (XZoeTheHuntressX created this godly quote) Leo yelled at Jason. "Shut up Leo" he hissed. Annabeth just sat in the back, eyes glistening with tears. Leo never told us what happened, but she, and all of us, could tell something was very wrong. "Here" Jason growled, looking pointedly at Leo.

I never thought about how the hospital feels when half a dozen ADHD, minus the Frank, children burst in. "Percy" Annabeth panted, "Percy Jackson". The woman at the desk gave us a pitiful look. Damn her

Annabeth POV

"Percy" I knocked on the door slowly. I heard shuffling before someone, most likely Percy, croaked "Come in". Cautiously, I walked in. I don't know how to put this, but Percy looked terrible. He was paler than usual, sweating but shivering, his lips blue.

    "Oh Percy". I ran to his side, engulfing him in a bear hug. He sighed, "So much for being a hero, huh". I looked at him, with a soft smile. "Even Saviors need saving, Percy". He groaned.

    "But I hate it. All of it. I'm like a stupid baby" he grumbled. I squeezed his shoulders, carefully, not too hard. "You are not a baby" I insisted.

"Oh really" his voice cracked. He was near tears, I could tell. Percy was breaking. "Tell me Percy" I breathed.

"Every day, I need help getting dressed. I can barely walk, I can't eat ANYTHING hard. And on top of all that, I can't even use the fucking bathroom. Yeah Annabeth, that means fucking diapers" he exploded, bursting into tears.


Savior needs saving (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now