Emu: I Can Keep Smiling

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Just saying but some of the chapters are missing words that's probably because I'm publishing these at like 11pm or 12am.
(I have a very unstable sleep schedule.)

Tw: mentioned suicide

"Emu why were you out this late? It's improper to run out of the house like that."
"... I'm going to my room!!"
"Wha- Emu! Come back and answer me!"
"Keisuke I'm sure she'll tell us later so let's just calm down, alright?"

I quickly run to my room and close the door, pulling out the letter from Tsukasa along the way.
I laid down on my bed thinking about what just happened at Tsukasa's house.

Tsukasa-kun committed suicide. That means... he took his own life. But why? He looked so happy all the time. Was it my fault? Was I burdening him?  Was I just being annoying?

I opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Emu,
Don't worry.
I'll be fine.
But will you okay?
Ah, wait I should probably explain things first.
I always felt like I was alone. Even when surrounded by people, it didn't feel like they were there. Sometimes it felt like I was just walking through a sea of darkness.
But then one day you hired me, and it felt like I wasn't so alone anymore.
I had so much fun with you Rui and Nene.
Those days were so bright and colourful.
There wasn't a trace of darkness whenever I was with all of you.
I wished those days could've lasted longer.
But when it felt like I was finally saved from the darkness, it dragged me back in.
I tried, I really did try to get out.
But I just couldn't.
Eventually I got tired of waiting to be saved.
I realized that the only person who can release me from this pain, was me.
That's why I did what I did.
Emu, it's not your fault.
Cheer up!
-Tsukasa Tenma

"It must've been scary to be trapped in the darkness by yourself...
I made Tsukasa's days brighter right? But was that all I could do? Give a temporary light?
Eh? Something doesn't feel right...
Ah. I'm not smiling.
C'mon.. smile...
Why can't I do it?
I have to smile for everyone!
I can keep smiling to keep everyone happy right?"

"Emu!! Are you alright why're you crying?"
"See Keisuke this is all your fault!"
"Excuse me?!"
"She's crying because you yelled at her!"
"Shhh!! Now is not the time!"

I don't know why but I felt the need to write the Otori siblings into this.

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