Chapter 20: A Promise Fulfilled

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Many many many years have passed...

A boy with purple hair and glasses is taking a late night stroll. He awoke in the middle of the night and heard a voice, almost as if someone was telling him to go to this far off concealed bridge.

He soon arrived at his destination cold and tired.
That's when something- no, someone caught his attention.

A boy with king orangey yellow hair stood on the bridge railing. Eyes cold and lifeless, ready to take the plunge.

Rui ran. He ran faster than he's ever had, it's just a few meters, but it feels so very far.

Just as the sunny haired boy walked off, he managed to catch him by the arm.
Rui recognized this boy, he was a quiet kid who barely spoke. The only people he's been seen speaking to are his little sister, some underclass men and a pink haired girl who often infiltrated the school.

As Tsukasa was pulled back onto the bridge he felt the other hug him.
He just couldn't help it. Tsukasa cried.
He spoke of his pain, grief, suffering and woes, Rui listened.
An hour passed and Rui was walking a clingy Tsukasa home.

When the pair arrived at the Tenma house Tsukasa was tackled down by a blonde pink haired girl who was crying.
After that, Rui headed home.
He couldn't help but feel accomplished. Like some last goal has been fulfilled.

During school, Rui made sure to hangout with Tsukasa. He would help him with schoolwork, scare bullies away, and comfort him. Tsukasa was introduced to Mizuki and Nene. They all became good friends! Soon Tsukasa introduced them to his sister, Toya, and Emu.

Slowly but surely Tsukasa's mental health was improving. He was sent to a therapist, made new friends, and began to feel happy again.

A few years later they graduated, and  started a new life without a single death.

                                  The End

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