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POV Bakugou

I'm about to faint but suddenly the dizzy feeling disappear . I'm trying to figure out what just happened but I suddenly feel someone grabbing my waist from behind .

" Careful there ~ katsuki Kun ~ " I hear a voice ... it's not Deku's it's maybe someone who knows me from the spots festival

" Thanks .." I stand up on my feet but the guy behind me is still grabbing my waist " you can let go of me "

" Too bad I don't plan on doing that yet " I suddenly shivers at those words . I trun around and see that guy ... he's taller then me and has black hair .. he has a scar on his face . He looks like a 30 year old

" What do you mean by that ? Let go -" he covers my mouth . This guy is getting on my nerves . I try to use my quirk but it doesn't activate !? What the hell is going on !?

" Why don't I introduce myself to you first . Katsuki Kun I name is Ishiki and I'm really a big fan of you . Like a di3 hard fan . I've used my quirk on you to get my hands on your s*xy body ~~ "

" What !? Let go of me ! You fu-" he covers my mouth.

" Sshhhh . You don't wanna end up d3ad now do you ? ~ you see my quirk is curse . And I've already crushed you . But I always have to give two ways to remove my curse. "

He says as he slides his hand inside my pants. He pushes a finger inside my as$ roughly" mmmhhh!!" I wanna scream but his grip on my mouth is too strong . ... Am I really gonna be rap3d .. again ? I tear up

" Oh so you actually have someone you love romantically huh ?~ well I guess you have two options to remove my cruse then "

He starts moving the finger fast and adds another finger. " MH !"

" Shhh~ wanna know your Cruse ~ ? Well it's simple the curse is that you have to get your as$ f*cked by me or you'll di3 ~ and the other opinion is you have to get f*cked by the person you love but that has a risk too ~ if the person you love doesn't love you back you'll di3~ " he giggles as you pull off his fingers

I don't have any other way ...I hate to admit it but I love deku and he hates me ... I have to let this guy r*pe me ...or I'll d!e ... Not that I mind dy*ng ... I slowly give into him as he kisses me

His kiss feels gross I don't like it .. I don't wanna do this ... It'll hurt hell ...

" Guess we've reached the station ~ " he grabs my hand " walk with me or you know what'll happen " I walk with him . He is holding my waist as we walk into a love hotel . Great I'll end up missing school...

He pushes me into the bed and get on top of me . I don't want this . .. this reminds me of how Deku r*ped me few months ago . It'll hurt . This is gonna hurt me ... he'll hurt me .. I'd rather d!e then feel that again ! I kick him off myself " get off ! "

" So you wanna d!e ?~ "

" Yes.! I'd rather d!e then get r*ped by a creep like you!"

He smirks and pulls out a knife . He jumps at me and holds it on my throat . " Oh you really wanna d*e huh ?~ no probs with that ~ I'll ki1l you after f*cking you ~ "

I can't move my body . It's suddenly in so much pain . My tears fall as he undresses me and takes off his own clothes .

" Now be a good boy and bend over ~ I wanna see that a$s of yours ~ "

I stay there not doing anything he just said

He looks pissed as he grabs my throat and starts ch0king me . This reminds me of Deku ...this is exactly how he ch0ked me before r*ping me ... I feel out of breath ... I vision is getting blurry...

I suddenly hear a loud sound and the guy get off me as he gets punched by someone ... Who is it .. ? My vision slowly get back to normal as I see Deku standing Infront of me ... Deku stopped that guy from r*ping me ... Why ..,?

• few minutes ago •

POV Deku

Some people got in the train suddenly . They are standing Infront of me and kacchan . I can't see kacchan cause they are blocking my view .

" What do you think you're doing !? Let go of m-" I hear kacchan's voice . Is he in trouble !? What's going on!?

I pass threw the crowd and walk towards kacchan but the train stop and he gets out with a man holding his waist !? What's going on!? Who is that guy with kacchan!? I start following them and see him taking kacchan to a love hotel! Why the hell is kacchan going with him!? There definitely something wrong here . Kacchan is not someone who'd randomly let anyone have his body . I follow them to the room they went in and hear the conversation .

This proves my doubt right ! That guy is trying to r*pe kacchan ! I won't let that happen ! I break into the room and punch that guy using quirk . I use 50% which kn*ck him down . But kacchan looks to be on a bad shape

" Kacchan!!!" I cup his face
My heart starts racing. This is bad he looks pale . That guy did this to kacchan . I'm gonna k!ll him !

I stand up and walk to him . He is slowly gaining consciousness . I Grab him By his collar " what did you do to him !!!? " I punch him on the face and glare at him.  I'll seriously k!ll him if anything happens to kacchan cause of him . He looks scared as he starts speaking

" I - I used my quirk on him to get my hands on his body ! He'll be just fine after having s*x with me ! "

I punch him again and knock his teeth off " you think I'll let you r*pe him !? Get him fixed or I'll k*ll you !"

" I can't do that ! Once I've cursed someone I can't undo it ! He'll either have to let me have his body or he'll have to get the person he loves love him back and have s*x with him in an hour ! Or he'll di3 ! "

" What ....,? " My eyes widen ... kacchan will d*e if he doesn't do that within an hour...but who does kacchan love? Maybe Kirishima ? How do we reach him ..? And even if we do kirishima loves kaminari ...

" Oh you're a d*ad man now " I say as I am about to pick him up to throw him outta the window of this building

" NO PLEASE WAIT ! YOU CAN SEE THE NAME OF THE PERSON HE LOVE IN HIS WRIST ! PLEASE DON'T K!LL ME !" he yells . I kick him on the head and knock him down . I run to kacchan . I need to know who kacchan loves ! I have to save him


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