Spoiled Brat

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In the heart of the forest stood a colony of colossal magical beasts, towering as high as three-story buildings. Their upper bodies resembled half-human figures, while their lower halves possessed the bodies of powerful horses. These creatures, reminiscent of the centaurs from Greek mythology, were not mythical beings but real and incredibly dangerous.

"My lord, I sense a strong presence coming from the prairie," reported the leader's mightiest subordinate, conveying the latest information.

The colony leader glanced at his subordinates and responded, "I felt it too. It appears to be slowly approaching us."

"Shall we engage our guests?" asked the subordinate.

"KUKKUU, I'm intrigued by this one. Let him come and witness my greatness," the leader arrogantly challenged the newcomers.


Sasuke and Nari ventured cautiously through the forest, their footsteps deliberate and measured.

"This place exudes an energy more abundant than that of Earth," Sasuke mused, feeling the mana being drawn into the opening gate, much like a black hole's gravitational pull.

"I sense magical energy attempting to enter the second gate. Perhaps the first gate has reached its maximum capacity," he thought aloud.

"It seems Earth doesn't possess enough energy even for the first gate. I must find a location rich in magical energy, like this one," Sasuke speculated, considering his options.

Such musings were not unfounded, as Earth had only received mana dispersed through the gates for the past two years.

"But how do I choose a suitable place when dungeons close immediately after the boss is defeated? Or maybe I can keep the boss alive while I absorb the magical energy? No... it's too dangerous... I don't know what unforeseen consequences could arise," Sasuke pondered, still unsure about the potential effects of leaving the gate open with the dungeon boss intact. His life could be jeopardized if he lingered near the gate.

Curiosity gnawed at him, but the situation was unfortunate since he was accompanied by a non-hunter companion—Nari.

Sasuke glanced at Nari, who donned a black robe similar to his own. She walked beside him, her delicate hand tugging at his robe.

"I wonder what Itachi would do in this situation..." Sasuke pondered how to comfort the girl, feeling unsure of the right approach.

"You don't have to worry. I will protect you while we're here," Sasuke attempted to ease the tension between them.

"Um... I was wondering, Oppa... are you truly a hunter?" Nari glanced up, trying to meet Sasuke's gaze.

Nari still knew little about this man. "I thought this handsome Oppa was just passing by, like me, earlier."

"I happened to be a hunter passing by who noticed the gate earlier," Sasuke replied calmly, trying to reassure Nari with a smile.

-Pat, pat.

Sasuke gently patted Nari's head. "Therefore, trust me."

A blush crept onto Nari's face as she felt the warmth and sincerity behind those words. "I've never felt anything like this before," she thought, embarrassed by her own reaction. Nari turned her face away, hoping Sasuke wouldn't notice her blushing.

"T-Thank you. But you should feel honored too, as you're the only person I call 'Oppa'," Nari, trying to regain her composure, spoke casually. She genuinely regarded Sasuke as an older brother figure.

Sasuke raises his brows, 'Hmm?'

"I have an older sister too, hmmph..." Nari retorted, slightly irritated that Sasuke remained her sister.

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