18 | While He Is Away {Your Pov}

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"Talia, thank you for coming with me. I appreciate it" I said as we waited for the doctor to call my name "It's no problem love. I'm so excited to see my nephew" Talia said happily. My smile fell as I thought about Mason and how much I wanted him here with me. Talia must have noticed my mood change because she put her hand on my knee comforting "Don't worry Rose, I know Talia wishes he was here with you. But you're not alone, I'm here" I opened my mouth to speak, but my name was called. Talia took my hand as we followed the nurse into the room "Hello Ms. Haddock, how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked "Getting tired and sore easily, but other than that, I'm good" I explained, laying down on the small bed. Talia sat in the chair beside me and gently rubbed my arm "Let's have a look" She said, putting the gel on my stomach, making me wiggle a little. I looked up at Talia, who was watching the screen waiting to see our little boy. The doctor moved the wand around my bump, stopping when she found a good angle of the baby "You can him pretty clearly now. He is growing well" She said. I looked up and smiled "He's so much bigger than last time" "Can I have a picture?" Talia added, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"I remember having ultrasounds when I was pregnant with you. It's so exciting to see your baby" My mum said happily, looking around the small room "And now you're becoming a mother" I smiled and looked down at my rounded stomach; although I had heard the heartbeat and felt the baby move, it was amazing to think that a baby was growing in there "How are you feeling honey?" She continued, standing beside the bed I was laying on while waiting for the doctor to return "Good, I'm good, just missing Jack" I replied. She gently pushed my hair off my face "I'm so proud of you sweetheart" I felt my eyes fill with tears, but I blinked them away as the door opened "Ready to see your baby, Ms. Felton?" She asked sweetly. I nodded and rolled up my top, revealing the growing bump. My mum took my hand in both of hers, giving it a light squeeze "It may be a little cold at first" She explained. I jumped a little at the coldness of the gel, making my mum giggle. As she moved the wand over my stomach, I watched the screen closely "Oh my, there he is" My mum whispered "It's so small" I looked at her, and my smile grew; she was so happy to see her grandchild. She looked down at me, tears in her eye "Thank you" She whispered, kissing my forehead "For giving me a grandchild. He's perfect"

"Please mummy needs to sleep" I whispered, tears filling my eyes "And so do you little one" I whimpered again as the baby moved around. I looked at the clock beside the bed; 1:54am. I signed in frustration. I couldn't get comfortable and fall asleep. I decided to call Gareth and after three rings, he answered sleepily "Sweetheart, Kimmy" He worried "Is everything ok? It's almost 2am there, what's wrong?" The tears I can manage to stop earlier started falling down my cheeks "I just...I can't sleep. The baby keeps kicking me and my back hurts, I can't get comfortable" I sobbed making Gareth sigh. I could imagine his sad expression "And I miss you" I added "Shh love, take a few deep breaths for me" He said softly. I did as he said, wanting nothing more than him to hold me right now "That's my girl. I'll be home soon" He paused as I sniffed "I know what will help you. Open the top drawer next to the wardrobe" I slowly got out of bed and followed his instructions I sobbed when I saw one of his old plaid shirts from when we dated. I slid it on and climbed back into bed "G, I love you" I whispered, snuggling into his shirt "And so does Efa" I smiled as I felt the baby settle down "I love you both so much" He said sadly and begun to sing softly "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine"

"Thanks for coming over today Gee and Mia" I paused "I know Declan asked you both to look after me while he was away, but I'm fine really" Mia nodded and smiled at me "We know you are. He is only worried about you. He doesn't want anything to happen to you while he isn't here" "It's not a bad thing. I loved when we have days like this. Just us girls" I replied "Watching movies and eating lots of food" Gee added. Just then an ad about the football game appeared on the TV. The three of us began singing the song that played in the background. I giggled but suddenly stopped when I felt one of the twins move. Mia and Gee stopped land looked at me worriedly "Chris, what's wrong?" Gee asked "Feel. Here" I whispered as I grabbed her hand and placed it on the side of my baby bump. Her face lit up as she felt the baby kick against her hand "Active little girl" She said amazed. I looked at Mia just as I felt a kick to my ribs "M, feel" I said, placing her hand over the spot of my little girls' movements "They really like music" Mia said, rubbing my stomach lightly "Or their aunties voices" I said, watching their smiles grow. Although the twins weren't even here yet, everyone already loved them so much and would do anything for them.

𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن