35 | Labor / Delivery ~ Declan

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You were so tired, but the babies would not stop moving. Your eyes started to droop, and Declan could tell you were exhausted. Your body started to relax, and you got comfortable on the couch, pulling a blanket up to your chin. Finally, as you were about to fall asleep, a pain came, different than anything else you've had. You sighed, of course. Right when you want to fall asleep "Chris? You need to rest sweetheart, come here" He said with open arms. You nodded, and cuddled into him "Are you feeling alright?" Declan asked, "Just tired, why?" "Your bump feels solid," He says, feeling around "That's what that was" You whispered to yourself "That's what was?" He asked "I'm in labor" Declan helped you up, and you had another contraction "Ouch, Dec, hold on," You say. After you stand up, you let out a little whine "It's okay, babe, we will be at the hospital soon, and then you can get some pain medicine" He said, walking behind you, and letting you lean back on him. After it was over, he led you to the car and ran back inside to get the bag you guys packed. It took about thirty minutes to get there, so Declan called your parents and the boys. They all were going to meet you up there. You get into the hospital, and they get you into a room. A nurse came in after you guys filled out all of the paperwork, and put an IV into your arm. Declan held you while that went on. The doctor looks at everything and says that you are only three centimeters dilated so it will still be hours. Everyone came and talked to you, all excited about the new additions "Twins, how exciting!" "Hi darling," Mason said, coming up and kissing you on the temple "How are you feeling?" He asked "Okay. Not bad yet" You smile. The rest of the boys come over to you and hug you while Mason went to talk to Declan "Are you excited for your girls?" Phil asked you, sitting next to you on the bed. You nodded "Like you can't believe it!" You giggle. As another contraction came on, you put your head back on the bed and closed your eyes. Declan came over, and rubbed your hand, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. You opened your eyes and looked at Phil, who looked at you helplessly "Comes with the excitement" you lightly smile. Declan went back over to Mason and the other boys with their girlfriends "Declan, can I sit in the chair? This bed hurts my back" You say. He quickly came over to you, stopping you from moving "Let me help you" He says. He uncovered you, making sure to not pull on your IV. He helped you roll your IV stand over with you, and covered you up when you sit down. You sighed, feeling much better. The boys all went and sat on your bed, and began talking about their next tour and things like that. All of the wives came and talked to you about the twins. All of a sudden you began to hyperventilate. You tossed your phone down, and Declan squatted down in front of you "Chris? What's wrong baby, calm down, tell me what's wrong" He rubbed your arm, telling the boys to get a doctor "I-I can't-breathe, Declan" You gasp. Your doctor runs in and puts the breathing mask over your face. Declan lifted you up and into the bed so it was easier for the doctor to examine you.
She began running an ultrasound "Baby A is in distress, I think the other baby's umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck. We need to get you to an OR Christina we have to give you an emergency C-Section" She said. By now, your breathing has gone semi-back to normal. You looked up at Declan "This isn't what we wanted to do, I want to push, please Declan" You say, tears welling in your eyes "It's okay, babe, you have to do this, for me? Will you do it for me?" He said. You nodded, and he wiped the tears falling down your face. They put a scrub cap over your hair. and rushed you into the OR. Declan was handed a pair of scrubs. He quickly pulled them over his clothes as you were numbed and covered up. They drew back the curtain and called Declan in giving him a stool to sit on next to you "Hi love" He said, kissing your lips "Hi" You squeak "Okay Christina, we're starting" The doctor says. You nod, even though they can't see past the curtain blocking your view. Once they cut your belly open, she says "You might feel some pressure, and pulling" You looked at Declan, who was just staring into your eyes, lightly smiling "What are they doing babe?" You say. Declan peers around the curtain "Looks like they are just looking around" He says. Your arms were strapped down to the table, making sure you wouldn't move. Declan grabbed your hand, and looked around the curtain again "Okay, baby A is out, it's a girl!" The doctor announces. The room fills with a loud cry, and tears fill your eyes, as well as Declan's "Saffron" You say. He nods, still holding your hand. The doctors go back in, getting ready for your other baby. Finally, about a minute later, you hear another cry, and you smile "Another girl" The doctor yells "Olive" Declan wiped your tears, and his own, before kissing you on the lips. Someone brought over your babies and showed them to you "Here you go Christina, your baby girls" The nurse says. Even though it wasn't how you planned, it was perfect.

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