44 | Breastfeeding {His Pov}

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"Shh, little Zach" I cooed to my crying son. I put his blue pacifier back into his little mouth. but he pushed it back out. His mouth opened and closed, little pink lips smacking together. Then I realized he was hungry. I picked up his blanket and walked out of the nursery to our bedroom. I walked in just as Rosalyn woke up from her nap "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I asked, knowing she was still a little sore and tired. She looked up and smiled when she saw me and Zachary "I'm good Mase, how are my boys?" She asked, holding out her arms "I think he's-" I was cut off by Zachary whimpering "Oh Zachary" She whispered, taking him in her arms "Can you help me please Mase" She whispered, looking down at the fussing boy in her arms "Of course baby" I said quickly. I slowly lowered the strap on her top and bra, careful not to touch her sore body. She giggled, making me look at her "Stop staring Mase" She joked and brought Zachary to her breast. I sat down and wrapped my arm around her and I couldn't help but smile "You're so beautiful" I whispered and kissed her temple, before resting my head on her shoulder and her feed our little boy.

"Everything ok baby?" I asked walking into the living room and hearing Brody's loud cries. Sophie shook her head and sighed heavily "He's hungry but he won't latch on" She whispered, getting teary "Am I doing something wrong?" I sat beside her on the couch and looked at our little boy in her arms "It's ok baby, take a breath" I said, smiling as she followed my instruction "That's it. Shall we try it together?" I asked, getting a small nod in response. I wrapped my arms around her and helped her slowly bring the fussing little boy closer to her breast "Come on Brody, 1 know you're hungry little one" I whispered to myself.
Suddenly Sophie jumped slightly and bit her lip as he latched on and started sucking at her breast. 1 kissed her forehead, making her relax "Thank you J" She said softly, eyes not leaving the baby at her chest. I placed my hand on Sophie's hand on Brody's back and smiled as his big hazel eyes looked around the room, landing on Sophie. His baby hand made a fist by his mouth. I removed my hand from his back and gently stroked his tiny fingers. He quickly grabbed my finger. Sophie rested her head on my shoulder, as we both watched our little boy.

"How's that sweetheart?" I asked Kimberley putting another pillow behind her back. She nodded and looked down at the baby at her chest "Thanks Gar" She whispered, her eyes not leaving the week-old baby girl. As I sat beside her, I watched Kimberley feed our daughter. It was amazing to see that her body had carried and helped her grow into a little person and that she was her main food source. I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized I was watching my girlfriend's breasts as she feed our daughter. I cleared my throat nervously and stood up "I'll be downstairs if you need anything girls?" I said, gently kissing both their foreheads. As I walked away, I heard Kimberley say my name, making me turn around "You can stay, you know" She said softly "You've seen it all before G" She giggled, making me blush "You don't have to be embarrassed, it's a natural thing" I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. Kimberley held out her other hand toward me. I smiled and walked back to the bed and carefully sat beside her. I looked down at our little girl "She's a hungry little one, isn't she" I whispered, watching her suck Kimberley's breast, filling her little belly, and making her tiny cheeks move.

"You're a true Rice" I chuckled, watching Christina breastfeed Saffron, while I cradled Olive "And I have to feed both of them Dec" She giggled and looked down at our daughter in her arms Look at those pretty eyes, just like your daddy" She cooed, gently rubbing Saffron's back. I watched in awe as Christina feed our little boy; the way Saffron looked up at her; she knew she was her mum and loved her so much. Olive whined and fussed in ray arms "Oh Olive, it's alright" I whispered, rocking her gently. She whimpered and started opening and closing her tiny mouth "Are you hungry princess?" I asked. I looked at Christina sitting beside me on the couch, with panicked-filled eyes. There were two of them, how could she feed them both; keep them happy all the time "There you go my girl, have you got a full belly now" Christina smiled, holding Saffron away from her breast. She looked at me, but her smile didn't fade "Swap? You burp Saffron and I'll feed Olive?" She suggested. I nodded and gently put the wiggling little girl on the couch between us so I could take Saffron from her. As I put her against my chest and lightly patted her back, Christina brought Olive to her other breast. Christina whined quietly as the little girl latched on quickly "It's ok honey; there is enough for you as well" She cooed. I looked over at Christina and watched her; she was an amazing mother to the twins, and she had enough love and patience for both of them. Her smile when she looked at them, truly showed how much she loved them.

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