20 | He Returns Home

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You managed to convince Talia to take you to the airport to pick up Mason. She was a little unsure, she didn't want you or the baby in any danger. Since his flight was arriving early in the morning, she hoped it would be alright. Yakima had her hand on your back as you walked into the airport.
She looked around and smiled; only a few people waiting for their loved ones "Thanks Talia" You giggled "I just couldn't wait any longer to see him" You ran your hand over your baby bump and smiled when you felt your little Zachary kick "Daddy's coming home" You whispered.
After what felt like hours, the doors finally opened and a tired-looking Mason walked out 'Mase" You shouted, making him drop his bag and look around. His face lit up at seeing you waiting for him. He ran towards you, quickly pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing as close to him as you could with your bump in the way "I missed you both so much" He whispered in your ear. You snuggled into the neck; happy that your little family was back together "And I said you would be bigger" He smirked, moving one hand to your stomach.

You looked around the room that was going to become the nursery, but you haven't had a chance with Jack away and him not wanting you to do it alone, the room only had the crib in it. You ran your fingers along the dark wood, smiling to yourself. You began imagining a little boy asleep in the crib; with Jack's hair and eyes or maybe your eyes. Focused on your thoughts, you didn't hear the front door unlock and Jack walks up the stairs. He guessed you might be having a nap, but as he walked passed the nursery, he stopped. He leaned against the door frame and watched you. You looked so beautiful and happy; his mouth fell open a little when you saw your baby bump. He hadn't been gone long, but you have gotten bigger since he left. You quickly snapped your head up and smiled when you saw him "J" You squealed as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you, his hands resting on the peak of your stomach "Hi baby" He whispered "And little one" You leaned back against him "Welcome home. We missed you" He smiled "Can't believe they are going to be sleeping in there soon" He kissed your cheek "And I can't wait"

You walked into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea, catching a look at the time. You sighed, it will still be hours till Gareth was due home. Suddenly the front door opened and Gareth walked in "G, your home!" You said shocked "Surprise sweetheart! I was able to catch an earlier flight" He smiled "I missed you and baby Efa so much, I had to get home as soon as I could" He walked over to you and embraced you into a hug. You sighed, happy that he was home. You pulled away slightly and kissed him. As you tried to pull out of his grip, Gareth chuckled, holding you against him, your baby bump resting comfortably in the middle "Not so fast, I was away for three weeks, I deserve a long hug with my two favorite people" You giggled and gave in; snuggling into him "Oh I almost forgot" H said letting you go and turning around to the table "I got you these" "My favorite flowers" You smiled and smelt the large bunch "Thank you G" He kissed your cheek as you felt a light flutter in your stomach "Little one knows you're home, feel here" You said excitedly, guiding Gareth's hand to the kicking "I missed this" He whispered, looking from your belly to your eyes "But I'm home now, where I belong"

You kicked the blanket off your body as you turned over in bed again. The rare warm weather in London, added to your growing stomach, made it harder to fall asleep at night. As you closed your eyes again, you heard faint footsteps coming up the stairs and the bedroom door open. Declan quietly took off his jacket and shoes, keeping his eyes on you. He gently laid down behind you, trying not to move the bed or wake you up "Dec?" You mumbled as you felt the bed move "Yeah Princess, it's just me" He replied softly. He wiggled closer to you and wrapped his arm around you, placing his hand on your rounded stomach "So happy you are home" You whispered sleepily "Missed you loads" He chuckled and kissed your temple "So did I. Now get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up" You put your hand on the bottom of your bump and relaxed as Declan gently rubbed over the I curve of your stomach "I can't believe how much they have grown" He said I to himself "Thank you, Chrissy. You are giving me everything I could ever ask for and more; two beautiful princesses"

𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant