26 | Braxton Hicks

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You got up to walk around, bounce a little bit, trying to get rid of the Braxton Hicks you're having. It was two in the morning, and Mason was sleeping in the bed. He told you to wake him up if you were having any pain. But you didn't want to because he's been working more so he can get his parts of the songs recorded. He's been working so hard and you think he just deserves to rest. The doctor told you walking around can help with fake contractions, or changing positions. The walking is what helps you most, so when you have them you just sneak out of bed without waking Mason up. Usually, it works, but not tonight. When he put his arm over your side of the bed and didn't feel you, he opened his eyes to see you sigh, and wipe some tears off your cheeks "Babe? Are you okay?" He said softly. You looked at him, and walked over to the bed "I can't sleep" You say, your voice cracking "Come here" He says and opens his arms for you "Go to sleep my love, and if you wake back up please wake me up also" He says softly "Okay"

You shook your head, terrified that you could be in early labor. You were at 38 weeks so it was usual that you were feeling some Braxton Hicks. You were just worried, like every other time they started up. You count every time you had one, making sure you don't have more than four in an hour. You thought they were painful. you've had pain in pregnancy before, but these were different. You were sitting on the couch very awkwardly, your arms out behind you holding yourself up while your legs were criss-cross-applesauce. Jack came in to see you wince, your eyes squeezed closed "Oh babe," Jack said "Let me go get you some glasses of water" You guys had read that Braxton Hicks can be caused by dehydration. It's supposed to help if you drink a couple of glasses of water "Here you go sweetheart" He said when came back in, putting the four glasses of water on the coffee table "Will you drink these for me?" He asked softly, starting to rub your shoulder. You took the first glass, and slowly drank it all. You did the next one, and then the last two. After half an hour of drinking water, Brody sat on your bladder, making you have to pee every ten minutes.

"Oh god," You gasped, groaning. He came in front of you putting his hands on your sides. You breathed slowly, as the Braxton Hicks ended "I can't do this much longer" You say "I know Princess, just a few more weeks" He says. You smile at the nickname, you haven't heard it in a while. He kissed your cheek and then kissed your lips. You were sitting on the couch, and he was kneeling in front of you "I wanna walk around just for a bit, maybe it will help" You say. With your baby due in less than two weeks, it was difficult to get up. Gareth knew this obviously, so he reached a little bit farther behind you and pulled you up while supporting your back. Another Braxton Hick started, and you closed your eyes, tilting your head down. He still had his hands on the side of your bump, so he started to rub up and down "Thank you" You say, it helped with the pain a bit "Thank you darling" He says and pecked your lips.

You tossed and turned, not being able to fall asleep. The Braxton Hicks you were having did not help at all. They were just practice contractions, but with your almost nine-month baby bump, it's adding to the pressure on your back. especially with twins. So after fifteen minutes, another Braxton Hicks started up. It lasted for about fifteen seconds "Darling, can I please help?" You nodded, and he came in front of you "Would you like to take a bath?" He asks. You nodded "Please" He went into the bathroom and turned on the bath, filling it up for you. He helped you into the bathroom and then helped you undress. You got in and immediately felt relief in your back. And when Braxton Hicks came on, it wasn't that bad at all.

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