45 | Bottle Feeding {His Pov}

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"Baby, can I feed him?" I asked, making
Rosalyn look at me, her face hard to read "Please? There is bottle in the fridge with milk you expressed earlier" I explained wanting to try feeding Zachary "You can sit with us. If I need any help you will be right beside me" She smiled and looked down at the little infant snuggled into her chest "Ok Mase since you-" She began but was cut off by loud whimpering. Zachary continued to whine and smack his little lips together "Here Mase, you take him and I'll get the bottle ready" Rosalyn said and gently handed me our baby boy. Zachary fussed and wiggled as he was transferred into my arms "Shh little man, it's ok. Mummy is getting your bottle" I whispered as he whimpered for softer. Moments later Rosalyn returned with his bottle "Are you comfortable Mase? Is he alright?" She asked, sitting down beside me. Zachary fussed, his little hands making fists and waving them around "He's just hungry baby" I said, kissing her cheek and taking the bottle from her. She kept an eye on us, as I brought the bottle to his lips. He latched on quickly and started drinking. I gently rubbed his back, my eyes not leaving him. As he sucked on the bottle, his eyes scanned the room landing on mine "You've grown as much" I whispered, a smile growing on my face as I watched my son.

"You hungry little one?" I whispered, cradling my little boy in my arms.
Brody wiggled, his cries getting louder.
1 wrapped his blanket around his little body and walked to the kitchen. I put the bottle in the microwave to warm up and rubbed his back soothingly. At the beep, I balanced my son in one arm and took the bottle out. It felt a little warm to give him, so 1 decided to go back to our bedroom to join Sophie. I climbed the stairs careful of Brody in my arms "How are my boys?" Sophie smiled, putting down her book as I walked in. I sat down on the bed beside her, with my back against the pillows "Thought we would join you" I whispered and looked down at the baby in my arms. Brody's little lips smacked together telling me he was hungry "Here you go Kade" I cooed, watching as he latched on quickly. I watched in amazement as his little cheeks moved as he drink from the bottle. I gently rubbed his back as he looked up at me. I felt Sophie lean her head on my shoulder and kiss my cheek "You're an amazing dad J" She whispered. I smiled, my eyes not leaving my little boy; he was perfect and a part both of Sophie and me. Sophie reached out and stroked Brody's little fingers. I smiled wider as he grabbed her finger and his big brown eyes looking around for his mummy.

"It's ok Efa" I cooed, rocking her gently in my arms "Your bottle is almost ready" I looked at the time on the wall clock and sighed; 445am. I yawned and blinked quickly keeping myself awake.
I frowned as Efa wiggled, her little legs pushing against my chest. I picked up her pacifier off the kitchen counter and put it into her little mouth, but she wouldn't take it I gently rubbed her back and sighed thankfully as the microwave beeped. I balanced Efa on one arm and took the bottle out, testing it on my wrist like Kimberley had shown me the other day. I smiled to myself and slowly walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch. I put the bottle between my leg and the arm of the couch, as I repositioned the pink blanket around Efa's little body. She moved her little lips, whimpering as she got hungrily "Shh Efa, here you go" I whispered, picking the bottle up and placing the tip into her little mouth. She latched on quickly and started drinking "I told you daddy would fix it, didn't I?" I joked lightly and watched my little girl.
As her belly got full, her drinking slowed down and she closed her eyes tiredly. I smiled and gently rubbed her back; happy I was able to feed and put her to sleep all by myself "Good night sweet pea" I whispered and kissed her head.

"My little Saffron and little Olive" I cooed, kneeling on the front couch where the twins were laying. I heard footsteps as Christina returned from the kitchen with two bottles "My three favorite Rices" She giggled. We both sat down on the couch, either side of the twins. I carefully picked up my little girl and held her close "Remember slowly Dec. If she wants the milk, she will latch on and drink it. Don't force her" She explained, handing me a bottle. I nodded and slowly brought the bottle close to Saffron's little mouth. I watched in awe as her blue eyes lit up at knowing she was going to be feed. She whined and pushed her little lips together, before opening her mouth and whimpering "I think she's hungry Dec" She giggled, encouraging me "Oh sorry, I was just watching her Princess" I chuckled and put the tip of the bottle into her little mouth. Almost instantly she latched on and started drinking. I smiled as she settled down, her cheeks turning a light pink as her belly was getting full "That's it Olive, good girl" I heard Christina whisper to our son. I watched up from our daughter at Christina. She was smiling happily watching the little girl in her arms "Thank you for sharing this with me Princess" I whispered, making her look up at me; her eyes bright like Saffron's. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips "Our little family" I chuckled and looked back down at my little girl.

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