Chapter 11 - WHAT DID SHE SAY!?

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Helllooo my loveliesss!!🤭❤

Let's start with the story first!! And I'll talk with y'all at the end! ❤


Miss Lee was busy admiring the kids that were playing around in the verandah. The evening sun was pleasant as it was setting down. 

As she was busy looking at them, the royal car that stopped at her gates yet again, went unnoticed by her. It was only when all the kids stopped playing and stood still her attention went to the lady who had stepped out of the car and was approaching them.

The kids suddenly lined up and bowed to the queen, she returned the gesture with a sweet smile as she adored them.

She then turned towards Miss Lee, who as usual was not happy seeing her.

This expression of Miss Lee did bother the queen, but she was determined this time

“Can I ask what her majesty is doing here?” asked Miss Lee

“I am quite taken aback by surprise from this gesture of yours Miss Lee” said the queen actually amused

“Well! For whatever reason you are here.. I feel you should leave soon as Y/N might come back from the university any time now”

“I know, that is the reason I am here at this time”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to talk with her..but before that I want to talk with you” said the queen and looked around “Can we go inside and talk in private?” she asked

Miss Lee led the queen to her room.

“Do take your seat,” Miss Lee gestured to the queen.

As they settled down, Mrs Kim took in a sharp breathe and

“Miss Lee, I’ll be straightforward and won't beat around the bush. I am here proposing for Y/n’s marriage with Taehyung.”

Hearing this Miss Lee’s expressions were unreadable and she stared at the queen thinking that she must be kidding. She composed herself and asked “Taehyung as in, you mean Prince Kim Taehyung? The Prince of Siyola? Your son? All in one breathe

“Yes. The Prince of Siyola, my son, Kim Taehyung” the queen repeated

“You must be kidding and making fun of this old lady here, her majesty” said Miss Lee

The queen was sure losing her patience nonetheless she maintained her calm, and she was about to speak further

“Granna I am home” came a voice

Miss Lee panicked hearing Y/N’s voice and just as she was about to get up and stop her from coming inside the room she was already at the doorstep and she halted seeing the queen herself in their home.

Y/N bowed to the queen and she came further to extend her greetings

“Y/N can you wait outside for a bit? I have still not finished talking with Miss Lee” the queen stated herself

Y/N eyes drifted towards her Granna not understanding what was happening in the room, she nodded and was leaving when she heard the queen again

“Please close the door while leaving”

Y/N did as she was told and anxiously went to her room waiting to know what was happening.

What else could she have done!?

15 minutes passed and Y/N was pacing around in her room when she heard the door clicking and she slowly peeked outside seeing her Granna and Mrs Kim coming out.

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