Chapter 13 - FEELINGS

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Hello!! Been a long time again!! 🥹

How are you all doing??

Here's the next update for you all!! I hope everyone is liking the story!! ❤️

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Y/N really seemed anxious as she was packing her bag to head to the library.

"Hey, your hands are shaking!" Are you okay? Asked Yuna seeing her anxious self

"Huh, oh yeah I am fine. All good. Umm it's just that I have to go meet Taehyung for one of our project things so yaaa. Just that." Y/N said fumbling and a furrow appearing on her forehead.

It felt strange to Y/N herself as to why she was talking this way.

But needless to say, that feeling of nervousness and excitement was very evident.

"I am sorry Yuna, but I have to take your leave. We will meet tomorrow?" asked Y/N

"Yes, no problem and relax maybe!? Taehyung is pretty chill I feel so do not be nervous" Yuna comforted her completely oblivious to the reason of Y/N anxiousness to which she returned a small smile and said Thankyou.

Y/N could feel her heart beating rapidly as she approached towards the library adjusting her hair and bag trying to calm her racing heart

She entered the library and placed her bag in the racks, scanned her ID for access and began searching for those eyes she has been wanting to meet since yesterday after their small interaction.


Taehyung and Jimin entered the campus after having their lunch at their favorite cafe.

"We are finally done for the day!!" said Jimin stretching his arms

"Yeah" said Taehyung checking the time on his watch

"Want to go play basketball? Been days we have played a match"

"Not today Jimin.. Can we walk faster please??" Taehyung said seeming impatient

"Woah! Woah! Where is my handsome prince rushing too!?" Jimin asked with a question mark on his face and suddenly changed it to an accusing one "Don't tell me Miss Minji has again asked you to accompany her to some random shopping sprees!!" Jimin almost yelled

"No No No.. It's nothing related to Minji. In Fact I have made sure that she is nowhere around me today!! Said Taehyung walking faster

"Then where are you rushing too!!?" Jimin asked matching his pace with Taehyung

"I am meeting Y/N and I don't want her to wait. That is why I am rushing" Taehyung completely unaware said it out aloud

Hearing this Jimin suddenly stopped and processed what Taehyung said. Suddenly as a realization it struck Taehyung

He turned around to see Jimin having a playful smile on his face

"Hmm..Y/N I see" he said coming to Taehyung

Taehyung gave a short laugh "Hahaha.. N-No nothing like what you are thinking" he nervously continued as they were now standing right infront of the library "You know the yearly project and then me and Y/N are we are working on that here in the library and since it is the first time I am meeting her and me being the gentlemen I am I don't want her to wait" he said all in one breathe pointing towards the entrance and nervous clearly evident on his face.

"Ahaa you and Y/N partners, working together, library, and you nervous.. seems like a starter pack of a love story where the main leads meet each other in the library then go for a coffee date and then get married and then have kids and then live happily ever after" Jimin playfully stated with his hands wide upon in dramatic state.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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