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12 ———— family issues

12 ———— family issues

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IT'S BEEN A COUPLE OF WEEKS SINCE THE INCIDENT, the one where sebastian broke his collarbone. he knew he was fucking stupid. getting high and deciding to go ive skating? sure he's gone skating while high before, but that was before he liked figure skating. sebastian wasn't a pro at figure skating, he only first learned because louis taught him how to play hockey.

sebastian played in a hockey junior league when he was around 10, because louis pushed him to do it — before his older brother was a diagnosed sociopath who found pleasure in murdering people of course. sebastian was good at hockey when he was younger, he loved it. he always asked his older brother when he would take him and go on the ice to play.

thats why he hates hockey now. expect he doesn't remember why he hates hockey, he doesn't remember playing it at all as a kid. he just knows he hates it, but not why. he picked up figure skating when he was 15 — so he was still very new at it — because sebastian knew he loved being on the ice, but just couldn't stand hockey.

sebastian wished he could say he remembered his childhood, but he only remembers little. the things he remembers are the things people tell him that happened — which of course a lot of them are either inaccurate or just lies. very few are true. sebastian hated having amnesia, and he knew he'd have to see his psychiatrist about it, and figure out everything that's wrong with him.

sebastian knows he's depressed, that was figured out long ago, when his brother was first put in prison. sebastian just refused to see any therapist or psychiatrist, because he didn't want to hear what was wrong with him anymore, or listen to his family talk about how he's just like his brother. he's not. sebastian hated hearing that.

their first visit was a group talk, everyone was there. sam. jess. maya. madeline. everyone. 13 year old sebastian was forced to sit there in silence while his family talked about everything that was wrong with him.

"he tends to stay in his room all the time, he never talks to us anymore." jess explained to the woman their chairs faced. "he doesn't really eat anymore either, he only leaves to use the bathroom but it's rare. he might get another bladder infection if he doesn't leave more often." sam added. sebastian stared at the floor, his face derived of emotion.

sebastian got a bladder infection because he held it for too long and got rushed to the hospital.

"we saw similar patterns with his older brother, louis." jess continued, a worried looking expression on her face. sebastian felt his stomach turn at her sentence, the dirty blonde's eyes hardening. "his brother was diagnosed with severe depression around his age too." jess added, glancing over at her son quickly. sebastian refused to look up at the group, he didn't want to talk.

APOCALYPSE  ⇢ IAN GALLAGHER Where stories live. Discover now