2: telling his parents of the proclamation

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Chapter 2: telling his parents of the proclamation

The next morning

Estella fell asleep in Ben’s room as that’s where they’ve literally been cooped up in for the last week. Estella fell asleep sitting at Ben’s desk, and Ben was half on his bed and half about to fall off the bed.

The sound of someone knocking is what woke the two of them up, and Ben fell onto the ground when he heard the person knocking on his door. Ben fixed his hair a little to make it somewhat presentable, and Estella groaned as she was starting to wake up from her slumber.

Ben opened the door revealing that it was Penny Pan the daughter of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. She was literally dressed as her mother. Green and yellow everything, literally. Penny was Estella’s roommate at the school, and the two couldn’t be more inseparable.

“Hey, Ben. Have you seen Essy, because I couldn’t find her anywhere.” Penny asks the soon-to-be king, and he smiles as he nods his head at the brunette girl.

“Yeah, actually. She was helping me with some stuff, and she’s actually sleeping.” Ben tells Penny and she nods her head at him.

“Okay. I was worried that I couldn’t find her and I thought that she slept and walked to the kitchen again or something.” Penny says with a soft chuckle as Ben did say that she was sleeping.

“Thanks for coming by Pen.” Ben says to her and the girl walks away with a smile on her face.

Later after school

Estella was on her way to Ben’s room as she got done helping Fairy Godmother’s daughter Jane with her homework for History of Auradon. Ben had asked her that morning after she woke up if she wanted to be there when he told his parents about the proclamation, which she agreed to do in the first place anyway.

Ben stood silently on a small platform as Lumiere was measuring his arm and sticking pins in the jacket of his coronation suit. To say that he was a nervous wreck was an understatement, his hands were shaking, his palms were sweaty, and he had zero confidence whatsoever. 

The door opening is what broke Ben out of his thoughts of seeing a familiar black haired girl walking into the room. 

“Hey.” Estella says as she walks into the room where her best friend is, standing being a nervous wreck, and this makes Estella frown a little.

“Hey,” Ben says quietly and Estella takes off her backpack and puts it on a chair, and walks to her friend and gently grabs his hands and squeezes them a little.

“It’s going to be okay, trust me. I’m here.” Estella says to reassure her friend who gave her a small smile and a nod in return.

“Oh, hello Princess Estella.” Lumiere says as he walks back into the room and was a little shocked to see the princess in the room.

“Hi, Lumiere.” Estella says with a smile on her face and Lumiere returns the smile at the girl, and then the doors open for a second time, and walk in was Queen Belle and King Beast.

“Hello Ella dear.” Belle says with a smile at seeing her niece in the room, and the black haired girl squeals a little before going to hug her aunt, whom she hasn’t seen in a couple of days. But to the two of them it felt like forever, and when she was done hugging her aunt she went to her uncle.

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