11: so dogs won't kill me

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Sabrina’s POV

Out of a total of my classes I’ve only went to about two of them since 8:00 in the morning as I want to avoid Audrey and Chad at all costs. I know that they will be a problem, especially what Audrey said about my father.

That still made me angry as this is coming from someone who doesn’t get mad. It’s really rare to see me losing my temper as I’ve always been this quiet girl, that’s why I was always vulnerable to getting bullied at school.

I remember the first time that Carlos had stood up to her against the other students at Dragon Hall. That was the first time that I have ever loved someone, which was Carlos. I knew that after he had saved me that we’d be best friends and ever since we have.

I was drawing outside on the bleachers and I saw some people in front of me and I instantly recognized the two as Carlos and Ben.

“Okay. Carlos. We’re gonna do some sprints. Are you ready?” Ben asks Carlos and he nods his head. Carlos started running and then this dog saw that Carlos was running and began running as the dog thought that it was a game and yeah.

“Oh! Ah! No, wait!” Carlos yells for dear life as he’s running away from Dude.

“Sweet!” Ben says as he was timing him, as me and him began running after Dude and Carlos.

“Ben? Bem? Ben?” Carlos says as he manages to climb up a tree.

“Ben, help me. This thing is a killer! He’s gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!” Carlos freaking out that Dude was near him let alone seeing the ‘rapid animal’ in Ben’s arms.

“Hey, who told you that?” Ben asks, confused.

“His mother is Cruella de Vil, she's a dog expert. A dog yeller.” I say to Ben and he nods his head.

“Why are you holding him? He’s going to attack you!” Carlos exclaims to Ben like he’s some crazy person holding a dog that’s going to ‘attack’ him.

“Carlos, you’ve never actually met a dog, have you?” Ben asks as Carlos is still freaking out about the current situation and I just shake my head no.

“We don’t have any dogs on the island.” I say as Carlos is still clutching onto the tree for dear life.

“Of course not.” Carlos says like it was the most obvious answer of the situation, and Ben hands Carlos the dog, and he slowly gets down from the tree that he was holding for dear life.

“Dude, meet Carlos and Sabrina. Sabrina and Carlos this is Dude, he’s the campus mutt.” Ben introduces the dog to Carlos and I and the two sit down on a log and Dude is now in Carlos’ arms, as he’s petting the furry creature.

“He doesn’t look like a vicious, rabid pack animal.” Carlos says as he’s petting Dude and Sabrina is scratching him behind his ear. 

“Good boy. I mean, you’re a good runner. You’re…you’re fast, you know.” Ben stutters a little as Sabrina has a small smile tugging her lips.

“Oh. Yeah.  Thank you.” Carlos says.

“Yeah. Listen, I’m going to give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just you know, come find me when you’re done, okay?” Ben says to Carlos and Sabrina.

“Okay.” Carlos says.

“Thanks.” Sabrina says as Ben nods his head at the girl.

“I’ll see you two later.” Ben says.

“See you out there.” Carlos says as Ben walks away and Dude licks his cheek. “Hi. Hi. Oh! Thank you.”

“He’s telling you that he likes you….I think.” Sabrina says as Carlos smiles at her.

“So how do you like it here?” Carlos asks her as she leans her head on the tree that Carlos had climbed earlier.

“It’s not that bad actually.” I say to him as he nods his head at the girl that’s sitting beside him.

“Yeah I actually like it here, I mean it’s a getaway from Mom and all that from the Island.” Carlos said as Dude licked my hand, and I smiled.

“Yeah, I guess that you’re right.” Carlos says as I nod my head, as there’s a ton of awkward tension between the two of us, as now we don’t know what to even talk about.

“I think we should head back before they think we got lost.” I suggest and Carlos nods his head, and the two of us begin walking out of the woods. 

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