6: 'one thing i absolutely hate...is my blanket being taken away from me'

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Estella’s POV

That’s a start, I think I just made myself four friends, it’s better than none. The only time that Audrey is my friend is only if she’s faking being sweet and I’m the closest person nearby. It’s annoying actually, but I just ignore her half of the time.

What she said about Sabrina earlier made me mad, as it’s not right for her to be talking like that to a person at all. She’s always faking being sweet around people, and then she’s a jerk. 

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that Audrey was my ‘friend’, I wish I hadn’t said that, but now it’s too late.

I walk back to my dorm as I pass Audrey who didn’t even notice me passing her as she’s talking to Ben. I hoped that he wouldn’t say anything, but my prayers were answered as he didn’t. Which is a good thing as I don’t want to talk to Audrey. I want to avoid her, at all costs.

I got to my dorm as I plop myself on my bed with the window blowing some fresh air, as I probably had snoozed for a while as the next thing that I feel is someone shaking me.

“What?” I mumbled as I felt someone putting my hair in a bun, and then it clicked inside my head as if it's Penny.

Penny is the daughter of Tinkerbell and Terence and she’s the nicest girl who has a personality definitely like her mom and then she also has a snippets of her father’s personality. She also doesn’t really like Audrey and Chad together, so that’s also a good thing as we can talk about the both of them.

“Wake up, snoozy.” Penny says as I groan as I go to grab my blanket and then I don’t feel it, as I decided to get up because I want my blanket back. If you steal my blanket, I won’t be happy. I don’t like when people take my blanket from me, as I think that’s a crime.

“Okay, okay I’m up. Now give me my blanket.” I say to her as she refuses and I do the ‘grabby’ hands.

“No. You’ll just fall back asleep with your blanket.” Penny says as she knows that I’m right, as I did it one time, or in this case a bunch of times.

“I did it one time, geez!” I say dramatically as she gives me a look, as I groan. “....and the other times.”

“Thought so.” She says as I give her a shocked look and she only smirks at me. “You know I’m right.”

“Whatever. I’m going back to bed.” I say grumbly as I plop myself back on my bed.

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