13: jay is on the tourney team

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Third Person's POV

"I could really use a tough guy like you. The team's a bunch of princes, well except for Estella. Only because her father requested that she was put on the team. Except for her the team's full of guys. If you know what I mean." Coach Jenkins says to Jay as he was surprised to hear that Estella was on the team.

"Your telling me. It's all, 'after you, old chum. Pardon me, did I bump into you'". Where I come from it's, 'prepare to die sucker!" As my father sys, 'the only way to win', is to make everyone else lose!" Jay says pumping his fists in the air as Estella watches from a distance. She sees better from a distance, maybe that's because she grew up around ships.

"Jay! Jay! Jay! Jay!" Coach Jenkins says bringing the bot back from his punching the air.

"You rip..." Jay says out of the blue as Stella chuckles a little at what he said.

"Let me explain a team. Uh, it's like a family." Coach says going to explain but Jay stops him.

"You do not want to be at my house at dinner time." Jay says as Stella nods her head a little as she could relate. Her family is huge mainly on her mom's side.

"Okay, okay, um.... You know how a body has a lot of different parts? The lefs, elbows, ears. But they all need each other. Well, that's what a team is....different players who work together to win. Make any sense?" Coach says as Stella leaves as she knows what's going to happen next. He'll get his jersey.

Jay looked like he understood what the coach was saying as he had a wide smile on his face. "Can I be the fist?"

After Jay got his jersey he smiled brighter when he saw Stella. He caught up to her.

"Hi." He says as Stella turns to him as she then looked at his new jersey.

"Congrats on making the team." Stella says as she leads him to her room. Where he saw ber jersey hanging on the wall.

"When did you make the team?" Jay asks as he sat onto her desk which she didn't mind as she sometimes does it too.

"Last year. But I a month ago." Stella says as Jay looks at her confused.

"Why that?" He asks as she looks down sadly to her feet.

"Not by choice. I was going to be....um...Queen. Well of my people, that is." Stella says as she touches her jersey sadly as its a number one.

"Oh." Jay says as he makes his way towards her not knowing what to do.

"I don't want to be Queen. That means I have to be told what to do. Live my life the way they want to. Not how I want to live it. I will be controlled of every little thing I do. Basically if I breathe wrong I'll get in trouble. It's a lot of stress." Stella says ranting a little as Jay lets her rant and say what she wants to.

"I'm sorry about that." Jay says to her as she sighs as she looks out her window.

"Your just saying that to make me feel better. Are you?" Stella asks as Jay thought about it before shaking his head at her. Which confused her.

"I know what it's like. You see back on the island. My father wouldn't let me do anything I wanted to do. He always told me that I had to do what he wants me to do. I didn't listen and I did my thing." Jay says as Stella looks at him.

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