-bloodletting 2.2-

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It wasn't until Daryl yanked my arm that I was taken out of the trance, still staring blankly and the space where Rick, my father, and some random man ran by. Was Carl alive?

"We gotta go find the others." Daryl said.

"No, we're going after them!" I argued immediately. I already lost Sophia, and now Carl... I don't even know what I'd do without either of them. Carl was my best friend. And now he was possibly dead.

"We'll find 'em later, come on you lil' shit." He said, trying to take my arm again. Instead of listening I just ran.

With the trees and my crazy fast running, it wasn't surprising Daryl didn't make an attempt to catch me. I had the gun anyway, if I really needed it I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to figure out.

I followed the yelling and occasional blood back to a farm, a girl on a horse coming my way.

"Woah," the brunette said, trying to calm down her horse, "who are you?" She questioned.

"Are they in there?" I asked frantically, pointing to the house. My heart was racing, mostly from running so far, so fast.

"Yeah, get on." She said, reaching out her hand.

"I don't know you."

"I'm going out to find your people, my daddy told me so." She said.

I looked her up and down for a second. She most likely wasn't lying, plus kidnapping was probably not a popular thing to do in the apocalypse. I ended up taking her hand, her helping me onto the back of the horse.

"Hold on tight." She said before we took off.

It didn't take long to find the group who was still searching for Sophia. Still oblivious to the fact that Carl Grimes may very well be gone already.

They all were in a panic, luckily having me there they knew that she wasn't lying. Lori immediately got on, making me have to do a whole 'nother marathon after them.

I wasn't able to keep up, but it wasn't that hard to find the house again.

I felt insane. Some of the others were not far behind, the rest all going to tell Dale and whoever else stayed back what happened.

As quickly as I wen through the farm house door, I also didn't know whether I should or not. I don't remember who told me, but someone told me that it's not always the best idea to see a person after they've died. It changes what your last memory is. What you last saw them like. But I was willing to go inside. I didn't care, he was my friend and possibly my only friend without Sophia being here.

I went inside and was immediately in the living room, people were walking around the whole place, grabbing stuff, yelling to each other. That was a good sign, they were trying to save him, he was alive.

I sighed out of relief, then seeing both Rick and my dad come out of the very busy room. Both of them were sad, but an indescribable type of sad. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought.

My dad spotted me, walking over to me as tears filled my eyes. "Hey bud," he said exhaustedly.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I shivered as he crouched down to be on my level, pulling me into a hug.

"We- we don't know." He said truthfully.

"No.." I mumbled out into his shoulder as he squeezed me harder. This can't be right.

Lori came out only seconds later, face wet with tears matching her husband. They went into a sobbing hug, before saying nothing to each other and re entering the room.

I pulled away from my dad. "Can I go see him?" The sadness filling my voice as more tears made their way down my face. My face was hot from all the running and just every little thing leading up to now.

"Not right now, okay? Go outside, get some fresh air and wait for the others, alright?" He said.

"Just let me-"

"I said no, alright?! It's stressful enough we don't need a little kid in there!" My dad snapped, something normal for him to do, stressed or not.

I bit my tongue, nodding slowly before turning around, hiding my face in my hands as I just let go. Bawling like a baby. I hated crying. It made me feel so vulnerable.

I could hear my dad go back into the bedroom with Carl and his family. Most people were in there now or at least not running around. Nobody else was around me to watch as I just broke down. I didn't do anything to my dad.

I walked over to the door I entered the house from, going outside on the porch. It was darker and now the cool air felt nice.

I went over to the railing just putting my hands down and stretching my arms out in front of me, putting my face on my arms.

Why was this happening? Everyone around me was now getting hurt, whether it was directly to them or something else. Everyone. Every single person I get close to has something happen to them.

Suddenly I heard the door re-open to which I turned around quickly, forgetting to wipe off the evidence of my pain. The brunette woman from earlier was now out here, looking at me pitifully.

"You alright?" She asked, coming next to me. She leaned against the railing now, looking out to the field. We weren't waiting for anymore of my group now, everyone was here.

I looked at her for a second, trying to think how I should answer. I always base answers off of who I'm talking to. One person I could tell I'm okay while another I'll tell them I'm drowning. "I'm fine." I responded. "Did my dad send you?"

"No, he just left actually." She responded.

"What? Why?" I asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Medical stuff for your friend." She said, looking down at me.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"I'm sure he will be." She said, trying to comfort me but the dishonesty in her answer made me want to jump off a cliff. "What's your name?" She changed the subject.

"Liam." I said blankly, staring at the trees which surrounded the place.

"I'm Maggie. My daddy, he will help your friend. I promise." She said, I finally looked back at her. For the first time in what felt like my whole life an adult was talking to me, not down on me.

Was it weird that Maggie who I barely even know has shown more comfort to me than anyone in my life?


once again a short chapter. I'm honestly just trying to get through this stuff bc I'm dying to write the "later" seasons.

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