-JSS 6.2-

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Rick had killed Ron's dad. Plus now walkers could somehow get their way in, the doctor died, and an old friend of Ricks was here.

Ron became distant and rude. Not that I didn't probably deserve it. Not many people have put me in my place recently, so the sudden burst of attitude from my boyfriend wasn't a bad thing to me. He would just get pissed about random little things and was easily irritated. Plus he rarely ever spent time with me.

That part would've been fine if Carl hadn't started going out with Enid.

In an attempt to run off or something along the lines of that, Ron had found a huge horde of walkers in a giant hole. The only thing stopping them was a semi blocking their way out, but by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be doing that for much longer.

Now Rick had taken a group out to the area where they were gonna come up with a plan or something.

I had moved back into the shared room with Carl after we talked. It was nice having him back, Maggie teased me about how she called it.

I was in the kitchen, watching as Carol cooked.
She said whatever it was wasn't for me, but I was starving and she loved me so I figured she'd cave in if I gave her puppy dog eyes.

She was washing her hands in the sink when suddenly she froze.

"What?" I asked. No reply. I got up to look at what she was seeing.

A man was beating the holy hell out of another. Someone had broken in by the looks of it. They had a hooded cape on and a bandana working as a mask. The weapon being used was cool as hell. I didn't know the name of it but I had seen one before in a comic.

"Woah." I mumbled, in shock at the situation unfolding in front of us.

"Liam, go warn Carl." Carol said, rushing me away.

I quickly ran up the stairs and did as told.

Carl had a gun, he already knew whiteout me saying anything.

We left Judith in her bed, thankfully still sleeping.

Carl went downstairs as I stayed.

Outside the window you could see more of the people coming in, killing everyone in their wake.

Of course this happens when everyone is out.

I ran downstairs just as the front door shut. Carol had left.

I took out my knife. Carl and I didn't exchange anything other than looks before cautiously walking around, I all the blinds as I made my way around.

We met again in the kitchen, a door creaking heard from just down the hall.

Carl hid behind the wall as I quickly ran closer to the door, unready for what was to come.

A person came in, I immediately went for the kill, halting when I realized who it was.

Enid shoved me off of her, looking at me like I was nuts. What was she doing here?

"Uh, hi?" She said, almost as a question.

Carl rushed to shut and lock the door behind her. "Why didn't you just knock?" He questioned.

"I have these." She said as she pulled a set of keys from her pocket. "Didn't want them to have them." She put them back into her pocket.

Carl walked away, us both following him.

Enid presented herself as more independent, where as I in the moment looked like a lost dog.

Once we got into the kitchen, which was a very short walk, Enid continued to speak. "And I wanted to say goodbye."

"Okay, both of you watch the back door. Tell me if any are coming." Carl said, ignoring everything Enid just said.

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