-try 5.15-

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Carl and I were walking around Alexandria, ever since I fulfilled my agreement to give Ron and some of the other teenagers a chance, Carl's suddenly wanted to hangout more.

We were in the middle of a conversation when he stopped dead in his tracks, eyeing something.

"What?.." my question was dragged out as I turned my head to see what caught his eyes. I spotted Enid climbing over the fence.

Although he says neither of them like each other, I know better. He definitely likes her, I've caught them having brief conversations multiple times.

And once again the jealousy hit. I wish I could control it, but it's just the reality of me, a fucked up teenager who doesn't know his mom or biological dad, and the only parent died and nobody can tell me why. I swear my life could be a movie sometimes.

And there he was, going after her yet fucking again. How could I not be jealous? Just look at him.


"So I'm basically being your distraction?" Ron questioned as we played checkers. I was winning of course. Having two kings already compared to him only having five left.

"Uh..." I said looking up from the game, needing to see what his expression was before I answered. "Yeah." I chuckled, he did too.

We continued to play the game, continuing the chatter about random things. I ended up winning.

So maybe Carl was right, Ron wasn't really that bad and he could handle my dark humor pretty well.

"Enid is your girlfriend, correct?" I asked as we cleaned up the game.

"Not anymore, I broke up with her." Ron said, sitting down on the couch. I joined him a second later.

"Oh shit, why?" I asked, turning to look at him. I shouldn't have asked that. That question always sparks some kind of feelings in movies, shows, books, and then next thing you see is them eating each others faces practically.

"Neither of us were really into it anymore I guess... and I like someone else."

Ah, there it was. My heart was racing, was this really about to happen right now? I had never kissed anyone, never even really thought about it too much. Relationships probably aren't the best hing in an apocalypse.

"Me right?" I asked, getting it out of the way. I was ready, or at least somewhat. The only thing that could go wrong is if I completely misinterpreted the whole situation and then he says some girl I didn't even know existed. I read a book where that happened.

"You're smart." He said leaning in, just enough so I had a choice to kiss him or reject him.

Before I could even decide my body practically just jolted forward, going in for the kiss.

His lips were soft, I couldn't imagine mine being anywhere near nice. But he must've enjoyed it because he was tugging me closer to him by my shirt. I wasn't ready for all of this- especially if he wanted to take this to the next step. I am way to young to even think about doing anything more than a kiss.

I pulled away quickly after he tried pushing me down, "I don't want to do anything more than kissing." I said quickly, just to get it out there.

"Me either, just making out. Promise." He told me. I felt a little stupid, of course he wouldn't have wanted to take it any farther, we are literally in the middle of the living room.

I nodded before going back in. God I was dizzy.
He climbed on top of me-


I pushed him off of my about as quickly as I could, sitting up immediately.

Of course Carl came back right now. Probably the worst person to walk in on this.
Ron was on the floor groaning in pain from falling, but I couldn't care, my crush just came in on me kissing someone.

What the fuck did I just do.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. I couldn't even make eye contact with him. It was embarrassing.

"I'm gonna go upstairs." Carl said after a minute of agonizing silence. He rushed away quickly.

Ron stood up, sitting down at the end of the couch.

"I think you should go." I said shyly. I know it was rude to kick him out, but truth be told I would rather clear stuff up with Carl than get into another kissing session with him.

I didn't even know if I liked him that way.

"Sure.." Ron nodded disappointedly, leaving immediately.


"You mind?" I asked as I went into the shared bedroom. Carl was sitting at the desk with a notebook, something that he normally didn't do.

"No." He spun the chair around to face me. "Are you guys together?" Carl questioned.

"No, he kissed me. It didn't mean anything to me at least." I told him as I leaned against our dresser.

Right now I was debating whether I tell him I like him or not. I wasn't great with feelings so this could be a totally wrong time and I wouldn't know it.

"What'd you do with Enid?" I asked, changing the subject.

"We hung out." Carl said, lips in a straight line now. "I think I might like her." He confessed.

"Oh..." was all I could respond. I knew he liked her, just there was still that little piece of me that was hoping he didn't. Who the hell was I kidding, Carl Grimes didn't like me. Of course he didn't.

"Oh? That's it?" Carl asked me.

"What else do you want me to say? She obviously isn't into you. She's the fucking human equivalent to a walker- all she does is shoot dirty looks at people and run away. How the hell do you like her?!" I snapped. God what the fuck is wrong with me? Carl looked like a kicked puppy now. He sees me as his best friend, and I basically just yelled at him for liking someone.

"Are you kidding? You were just downstairs making out with my friend and you want to yell at me for liking someone? What all because you like me or some shit?!" He yelled. I had never heard him swear before, and now he just sarcastically called me out.

When I didn't say anything he realized. He now knew my biggest secret.

"Liam-" Carl said as I left.

Fuck this place.


I have literally no clue how to write romance or arguments
I also have no idea how to write emotions so that's why we get a pretty emotionless character.

I need to start making longer chapters tho like wtf

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