-last day on earth 6.16-

856 33 13

We fucked up.

Typically, there's a moment or time, in everyone's life that is just so perfect it feels unreal. It makes you doubt it, convince yourself the bad storm is coming after all. If you're lucky, it stays just a feeling.

Not for us. We didn't kill all of the saviors, only an outpost. There was still more, so many fucking more and now we had attacked them. Hell, a few had even had Maggie and Carol hostage.

And now they had us hostage.

A small group of us consisting of Glenn, Rosita, Michonne, and I had gone after Daryl when he rode off. I was only able to go because I had convinced them I should after everything he's done for me.

But now I wished I didn't.

All of us we're shoved into the back of a horse trailer, sharing the mutual feeling that this could very well be the end for all of us. The ride was bumpy, feeling like it was going to last forever; maybe that's just because I was dizzy. My head was spinning, a haze behind everything. I felt like I was hungover even though I was sober for the most part.

On my good days I didn't typically feel hopeless, but right now, I'm starting to wish I would've said goodbye to Carl and Maggie before we left.


The trailer parked a while ago, but we never got let out. The chances of it being true, but it's the only explanation I can think of as to why were still enclosed in here is they somehow forgot about us.

None of us talked to each other, all of us staying silent while the sun slowly set, making it pitch black in the trailer. I could hear vehicles approaching around us and people quietly discussing things. Where were we? I stood up silently, walking over to the holes in the door when my legs were kicked out from under me. One of them were in here with us.

I could just barely make out the image of a gun being pointed at me, "sit down!" He growled. Like I was that big of a threat.

I rolled my eyes at him, partially at my own stupidity; no wonder everyone was staying quiet.

"You keep rolling your eyes and you'll lose 'em." He snarled. I'd beat Carl by one if that happened.

My shins hurt from the man kicking them, me falling on my face so hard also apparently broke my nose, I could tell by the amount of pain and blood dripping from it. Unless it was snot, but I doubt it. A faint whispering was heard from outside the trailer.

As we both resumed our previous positions, a bright light glared into the trailer, the whistling being ten times louder too. It was everywhere, so loud that even with my hands over my ears it didn't do much. could see the others doing the same, where the hell we're we?

Voices were coming from outside again, louder this time, but still too quiet to make out full words. They had to have something planned with us. Why else would they have kept us in the back of this raggedy thing? I closed my eyes knowing there really wasn't anything I could do.

Something I wouldn't have guessed happened; Rick Grimes' voice was distinctively heard from outside. That or I was going crazy; crazier than I was already.

More voices from people we knew were out there. They got them too.

"Dwight!" A guy yelled loud enough for me to hear, "Chop-chop."

Footsteps approached the trailer, the door opening with ease. Not locked or anything.

One of the same men from earlier was now harshly tugging us out, "come on. You got people to meet."

They were all here, in the center of it all. Men circled around, cars and other vehicles circling too.

All of us were put to our knees, finishing the line of people. I was second to last at the end, Glenn finishing it off.

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