-start to finish 6.8-

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With both Enid and Glenn gone and us being enclosed by walkers surrounding Alexandria, it's been nothing but chaos.

Maggie revealed she was pregnant but told me to keep it a secret. Since Glenn was out there, hopefully still alive, I've been helping her or at least offered too. She told me not to worry since it was early on, but my help would be more of use later on.

Carl was pretty upset about Enid being gone, though he tried to hide it well.

Ron was getting more upset at me as the days went by, and shockingly I was innocent.

"Can you just fucking leave me alone?" Ron yelled, turning around.

"What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "You asked me to hang out with you. Don't get all snappy with me." We were outside, not far from the house. Once again here he goes on one of these little rages.

"Yeah, well you know what? Now I want to be alone. So go fuck off somewhere else."

Thankfully nobody was really around us. Alexandria was definitely less populated after the break in with the cavemen looking people.

"You know it's not my fault your dad died, right? He was an abusive asshole and he tried to kill Rick. Hell, he did kill someone!" I yelled back. I wasn't actually worked up over this, this conversation happened on the daily. "At least you still have your mom and brother."

"Oh right." He said smiling smugly. "And where's your mom? And your dad? What about anyone else?"

Ron never had gone far enough where he'd bring up my family. It honestly felt shitty.

"Everyone around you dies or gets hurt!" Ron yelled right in my face.

"Fuck you." I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"No wonder your mom left you! She's lucky she got away before-"

And just like that anger took over. I hadn't realized what happened until Ron was on the concrete, holding his nose which was bleeding. The blood on my knuckles wasn't mine.

He was looking at me in shock, maybe even fear.

"Don't fuck with me." I said before walking away, wiping the blood on my grey t-shirt.

Ron proved my point of how no matter how much you think you know someone, how much you think you trust them, you can't.


"Whose blood is that?" Carl asked, eyes wide. He was sitting on his bed reading one of the comics I found.

"Ron's." I shrugged as I went to sit next to him.

Carl shut the comic; he's read the same one a million times. "Why?"

"Because he's an asshole." I replied. "Any news on any of them?" I questioned as I pulled out a clean shirt from the drawer.

"Nope." Carl said, popping the 'p'.

I looked over my shoulder at him. He was head down looking sullenly at the ground. "Enid will be fine, don't worry." I said as I took off my sweatshirt.

"She's not going to come back. It doesn't really matter anyways." Carl sighed. "She was stupid to leave, it's not safe out there." He shook his head in frustration.

I set my shirt down, going over to the bed, putting mt arm on the wood of the top bunk. "Well, it's not really safe here either. Better, sure, but last week a bunch the people were killed." Carl glanced up at me, probably shocked about me agreeing with someone for once.

"Shes alone, it's stupid to be alone out there!"

"In some ways yeah, but in other ways not really. Being alone means you don't have to worry about someone else." I shrugged.

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