-seed 3.1-

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My dad hadn't made it out. That's all I knew. Nobody knew or would tell me what happened. He was just gone.

I know it has something to do with Rick. He's guilty, he refuses to look me in the eyes and has been acting strange around me. Everyone has been acting weird around me except Glenn and Maggie.

It's been a couple days of driving and getting supplies, I've spent most of them sobbing in Maggie's arms. Normally I'm a lot better about controlling emotion, but this was just something you couldn't control. He was an asshole especially towards the last weeks, but he was my dad. The guy who was practically my best friend before everything started. He raised me even after finding out I wasn't really his.

Carl won't talk to me anymore either which leaves me alone majority of the time since my dads actions left me with a shit reputation around almost the entire group. Even Andrea hated me which was weird because she was banging my dad.

I'm not even sure that if Rick really did have something to do with my dads death that I would hate him. My dad was crazy, unpredictable and an asshole. He didn't give a shit about me once we made it to Hershel's farm. He didn't give a shit about anyone other than Lori and Carl. He would've traded me to be their family.

I was just confused. I had to place anymore. I had no family, and everyone made sure to remind me of that. I just wanted my friend back.

A prison.

It was nice having some what of a promise to a actual home again. Plus Carl was actually talking to me again. My dads only been gone a few days or maybe even a week but I've reached the acceptance part of it, which comes with no emotions, or at least for me it does.

I know I've acted like an asshole all day, except to Carl, but I couldn't help it. Every rude word just came out and I had no intention of apologizing.

We had a campfire going, with Rick walking around the whole perimeter of the fence like a physco and Daryl and Carol out on watch.

We had turkey, and a little bit of water from the last house we stopped at. The plan was for the adults to go inside while the kids stupidly waited out here. Carl and I agreed on going in no matter what with them.

Hershel said this was a good place for Lori to have the baby. I think it's probably the stupidest thing you could do in the apocalypse is have a baby. It's suicide.

Those things are ticking time bombs that go off right at the moment it's the most inconvenient.

Beth was singing. Ever since I was a kid I had an ick whenever people would sing songs. That's why I would always use headphones in the car, to drown out my dads terribly off beat singing.

Music was definitely something I missed from before. There wasn't a day I wouldn't listen to music. I had a radio in my room and when I was seven I got my dads old iPod. That thing was always in my pocket.

I even brought my iPod originally when my dad told me about this whole apocalypse shit. But unfortunately I had forgotten to grab it when we were at the CDC, so there's no chance at ever getting it back. That thing is just dust now.

Everything is gonna be different now.


super short chapter because I have no motivation to write the earlier seasons but I need to kind of close off what happens after shane died.

basically whenever the next chapter starts Liam will still have no certain answer to what happened to his dad, although he does assume Rick has something to do with it.

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