-no way out 6.9-

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We all re-grouped in a small clearing not far from the house. Carl and Michonne stood on the outer circle, listening in but making sure no walkers caught on to us being very much alive.

For the situation, most of them looked calm, Judith didn't make a peep the entire time. The only person who didn't look so good was Sam. He wasn't going to make it, even though Jessie and Ron have both praised and told him nothing was going to happen as long as he stayed quiet. We weren't even thirty feet from the house, and I felt on edge, the kid stressed me out.  I didn't want to die all because Sam couldn't get it into his pea sized brain that if he shut up everything would be fine.

Rick was discussing the plan of where we were going when Jessie chimed in, "Okay." She said right before shaking her head in confliction, "But Judith... to the quarry and back, I..."

Rick turned, trying to decide what he should do.

Sweat dripped down Gabriel's face as he spoke, "I'll take her. Keep her safe in my church until you lead all the walkers away."

"Can you do this?" Michonne questioned, her head turned to us.

"I'm supposed to." Gabriel smiled like he had just found his life's purpose. "I have to." He turned to Rick, "I will."

Carl took that as his que to give him Judith, "all right." He mumbled as he passed her. A part of me calmed, now Carl didn't have a ticking time bomb underneath his cover.

Gabriel shushed her as he positioned her underneath, she whined a bit before calming down herself.

"Take Sam." Jessie decided, everyone turning to her.

"Thank god." I mumbled quietly, the words slipping out.

"No." Sam countered, being the stubborn child he was.

"Yes, Sam, it'll be safer."

"I'm not leaving you." Everyone watched as he argued, why couldn't he just listen?


He interrupted her, "mom, I'm not." The words sounded tougher than the expression attached to them, he looked like he was about to piss himself. "I can keep going."


"I can keep going." He said almost too loudly. I could only hope Jessie wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for the act.  "Please."

I looked at back and forth between the two, Jessie was going to give in, I could feel it.

"Please, let's just go."

Jessie looked to Rick for a very brief second before looking back at her youngest son, "okay." She agreed softly.

I couldn't help but scoff, Carl turning his head at me in confusion.

Gabriel looked around for a moment, "I'm going to keep her safe."

"Thank you." Rick said genuinely. Gabriel started on his way to his church after that, walking as cautiously as he could.

Everyone started to re-link hands again, this time Carl reached his hand out to mine, I took it immediately, ignoring how on my other side I had to hold Ron's hand yet again.


It was dark out now, the slow pace of walking took us forever, but we were so close now. Sam even held out, everyone did. Or at least so I thought.

Sam stopped dead in his tracks, letting go of Ricks hand. Just as I started to believe in him.

"Sam?" Jessie asked quietly, minding the number of dead around us.

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