-the first day of the rest of your life 7.16-

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Using Sasha to our advantage, we pulled up to the gate. Negan was especially proud of this one, but I felt like Sasha almost agreed too easily. Didn't matter too much to me though, I told myself to ignore it. Being with the saviors you had to put up a front that no matter what happened, you couldn't seem effected by it. I wasn't too bad at it, I've seen a fair share of people getting their faces melted by the metal iron, which explained what happened to Dwight.

They were all on guard, guns pointed at us. Where the hell did they get those?

There were also people who I didn't recognize, they weren't from the Hilltop or Kingdom either.

"Who the fuck are they?" I turned to Negan as we drove closer, wondering if he knew.

Negan didn't respond, we just listened in on Eugene giving us a grand entrance with the loudspeaker.

While Eugene talked, we got ready and out.
"Where's Negan?" I heard Rick ask.

There was a pause, before Eugene spoke, "I'm Negan."

Chills ran up my spine. I knew damn well they were going to be mad now, Negan had successfully taken two of their people and turned them into saviors, a third being in a coffin listening to music.

I left Negan to where he was and went out by where Eugene was. Looking at Rick who had pained expression, not as bad as Rosita though. The amount of betrayal they felt could be seen, even I wasn't going to go that far.

I joined the saviors, sure, but I refused to call myself Negan or do any harm to them. Before Negan had Sasha go into the coffin, I made him promise that he wasn't going to kill her, I don't know if I believed him when he said he wasn't.

Being with the saviors was safer in a way, it had a lot of good things with it too, like the food, the living portion, my huge room was definitely a good thing too, but I missed being on the other side of the gate, feeling like maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I was. Now I knew that every mean thing someone has ever told me was deserved. I was a terrible person, a traitor. There was a reason I'd never fit in with either group.

Rosita and Rick exchanged looks before I saw Rosita press something in her hand, both ducking down immediately. Nothing happened. I looked around trying to see if something happened but nope, nada.

Suddenly though, the new people stood up, pointing their guns at what I assumed was Rick's group.

The gate opened, leaving me confused, these people were on Negan's side?

Negan finally came out, coming out in front of the truck Eugene, the coffin with Sasha, and I were on.

More saviors came out now, this was planned.

Things happened all around, a truck had explosives in the back of it, those were supposed to blow up.

"You ever hear the story about a guy named Rick the prick who thought he knew shit, but didn't really know shit, and got everyone he gave a shit about killed?" Negan asked, his bat rested on his shoulder as he pointed his finger up to Rick who was standing now, so were the rest, "it's about you." He smiled, "your gonna want to put all your guns down now."

"Nobody puts down anything." Rick spoke to the group without looking away from Negan. "We had a deal." He said aggressively at the girl who had a gun to him.

"Tamiel came for the boat things, followed ones who took, made a better deal." She explained smoothly.

Rick shook his head with a roll of his eyes.

Negan and a few others started at the coffin, placing it up so Sasha was upright now.

"So, you don't like Eugene anymore," Negan stood next to the casket, "or Liam for that matter, you guys gotta like Sasha." He placed his free hand on his chest, "I do too." He knocked on the casket with Lucille, "got her right here. Now I brought her so I wouldn't have to kill all of you." Negan stated, pacing back and forth slowly.

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