-knots untie 6.11-

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Jesus, the guy somewhat responsible for Michonne not getting her toothpaste, was going to show us where he's from. Maggie thought it might be a good idea for me to join them all, get me out of the house for a day. I had reluctantly agreed since I figured things were awkward between me and Rick now. He walked in on me kissing his son and the proceeded to question us to death. I think in that moment both of us would've rather died than answer, but somehow we made it through. Now I had to sleep on the couch, even after I brought up the point that pregnancy wasn't a risk; that comment had made both Grimes flustered.

"You got it?" Carl asked as I fumbled with the gas can. It wasn't even heavy; I was just clumsy.

"Yes, I do." I replied sassily, grasping tightly around the filled container.

Carl carried the other one as we walked to the back of the van where Rick was standing with Judith.

"Here ya' go." I strained as I used both hands to lift it into the trunk. Carl did the same but with less effort, smirking at me as he did it. Show off.

It was nice to not hide the fact we were together. Not that we had to hide, just being able to sleep next to each other was nice before.

"Got everything?" Rick asked. Maybe I interpreted our relationship wrong, because Rick looked a lot to see me than normal. Judith chewed on her hand as he held her.

"Yup, got my cassette 'n everything." I touched my back pocket to just make sure I did grab it. "What about you?" I asked, turning to Carl. He was just staring at Rick as if he was trying to figure something out. I had completely forgotten about the fact that Rick and Michonne were totally caught thanks to Jesus.

"I was going to tell you about me and Michonne," Rick started, "but it just, happened. Just happened." He emphasized. "Last night... This is- This is different."

Carl's face turned into a grin. "It's cool."

"Doesn't feel too good to be caught huh?" I joked, making my presence noticed.

Rick shook his head like any father would, rolling his eyes at the comment. "All right, well if you two got all your stuff together we can drop Judith off to Gabriel and round up the others." He said repositioning Judith, so she was on his other side.

"No, I'm not coming." Carl said, grin faded somewhat away.

"What?" I questioned; eyes narrowed in confusion.

Carl looked over at me for a moment before switching his attention and continuing, "Someone's gotta stay back, keep this place safe. A kid with a messed-up face probably wouldn't make the best first impression anyway." He chuckled awkwardly.

Rick looked somewhat disappointed as I chewed my lip. Messed-up face.

Rick silently handed Judith to him, Carl's words hanging in the air.

Carl walked away, cooing at Judith, leaving Rick and I alone. We shared a look, which resulted in me following after Carl into the house. I had to make it quick because they were leaving in only a few minutes, but I still wanted to talk to him, even if I sucked at comforting people.

He was in the living room with Judith when he realized I was there. Everyone else was outside either helping pack or getting into the van. "You staying back too?"

"No, I just wanted to say that your face is not messed up. It's badass." I said sucking in a sharp breath. "I gotta go now. Love you." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. I ran down the few steps on the porch disgusted with myself. A kiss on the cheek? What was I? Eighty? I chuckled at my own thought as I approached the fully ready van. I'd be lucky to make it to eighty.

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