The Sorting

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The Slytherins waited through the sorting without paying much attention most of them just wanted food. Harry had learned that the girl who had come up to him was in fact a Weasley by the name of Ginerva.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a loser in every sense of the word this man had made them all buy a good portion of his books and unlike Quirrell this man didn't have the best vibe to him, granted Quirrell tried to kill him but still. Lockheart just smiled a small that looked fake but apparently had won awards for.

It wasn't until Harry was around the halfway point in his meal that he started having issues, a voice. "Kill, kill, kill."

"Did you hear that?" he whispered to Mal in Parsel.

The snake nodded. " A mother. A leader." Sometimes Harry's snake made no sense, to the point it was annoying if this snake was a mother why was it or rather she whispering kill over and over again that wasn't very maternal of her.

But the voice went and he would make sure to tell Draco and Luna about it to get their point of views. And while he was making his bed and settling into the second year Slytherin dorms that's what he did. "Don't worry about it too much." Draco said. "You need some sleep and to tell me how you finished all the Potions work on the first day back." 

"I got bored I can't plot the down fall of my enemies all the time." Harry half joked.

"Go to bed! Both of you some of us want to sleep!" Blaise said throwing a pillow at Draco.

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